Medical Quiz

Science Reproduction Quiz


In the female system the place where the embryo develops is the

A. oviduct

B. ovary

C. uterus

D. vagina

In the male system the testes are located in the

A. sperm duct

B. scrotum

C. penis

D. prostate gland

In the male system, the organ that releases semen into the vagina is the

A. sperm duct

B. scrotum

C. penis

D. prostate gland

in the male system the sperm travel form the testes to the urethra in the

A. sperm duct

B. scrotum

C. penis

D. prostate gland

The contraceptive method in which sperm ducts are surgically cut and sealed is called

A. a Diagphragm

B. The pill

C. Female sterilization

D. Male Sterilization

E. Condom

The contraceptive method in which hormones are taken by a female to prevent her ovaries from releasing eggs is

A. a Diagphragm

B. The pill

C. Female sterilization

D. Male Sterilization

E. Condom

This is where sperm cells are formed

A. Zygote

B. Sperm

C. Ovum

D. Testes

This is formed when an ovum is fertilized by a sperm

A. Zygote

B. Sperm

C. Ovum

D. Testes

In the female system the place where ovas are released place is the

A. oviduct

B. ovary

C. uterus

D. vagina

The contraceptive method in which prevents sperm form being released into the vagina and also helps to reduce the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases is

A. a Diagphragm

B. The pill

C. Female sterilization

D. Male Sterilization

E. Condom

In the female system the place where fertilization takes place is the

A. oviduct

B. ovary

C. uterus

D. vagina

In the male system, the organ that releases liquid nutrition to the sperm is the

A. sperm duct

B. scrotum

C. penis

D. prostate gland

The contraceptive method which is very effective but irreversible is

A. a Diagphragm

B. The pill

C. Female sterilization

D. Condom

The name of a male sex cell or gamete is

A. Zygote

B. Sperm

C. Ovum

D. Testes

The name of a female sex cell or gamete is

A. Zygote

B. Sperm

C. Ovum

D. Testes

In the female system the place where sperm are deposited is the

A. oviduct

B. ovary

C. uterus

D. vagina


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