Medical Quiz

Tutor Oral Biology Quiz


What is the Characteristic of parotid glands?

A. Mixed 60%

B. Mucous 5%

C. Serous 25%

D. Serous 60%

Which of the following is not the principal fiber group of the periodontal ligament

A. Horizontal

B. Oblique

C. Alveolar crest

D. Trans septal

Which of the following is the type of bone presents in the furcation (interradicular area)?

A. cortical

B. Exophytic

C. Osteophytic

D. Cancellous

Which of the following cells are the predominant connective tissue cells of the periodontal ligament?

A. Cementoblasts

B. Fibroblasts

C. Osteoblasts

D. Cell rest of Malassez

How much force generated during the routine mastication of food?

A. 20N to 50N

B. 50N to 100N

C. 70 to 150N

D. 150N to 200N

What is the largest portion in ductal system

A. Parotid

B. Submandibular

C. Sublingual

The space of incisal edge of the teeth during opening phase is

A. 12 to 14mm apart

B. 16 to 18mm apart

C. 18 to 20mm apart

D. 16 to 20mm apart

The periodontal ligament

A. Derives its blood primarily from the branches of vessels entering the pulp

B. Has a slow rate of turn over

C. Contains epithelial cells

D. Comprises primarily of type II collagen

Non Oral manifestations in insulin deficiency     

A. pulpal calcification

B. xerostomia

C. periodontal problem

D. dental caries

which of the following bones immediately surrounding to roots and giving support for insertion of periodontal fibers is most likely called

A. woven bone

B. spongy bone

C. supporting bone

D. alveolar bone proper

During remineralisation, there will be an increase in:

A. acidic environment in the mouth.

B. calcium ion withdraw from the dental enamel.

C. phosphate ion withdraw from the dental enamel.

D. absorption of calcium ion into the dental enamel.

E. absorption of hydrogen ion into the dental enamel.

“Local increase in tissue fluid pressure in the periapical region of the tooth cause the occlusal movement of the theory”

Which theories of eruption suits the statement above

A. Root formation theory

B. Pulp growth

C. Vascular pressure

D. Dental follicle theory

A patient presented with a full permanent dentition, except for the third molars. On the right side of the dental arch, the mesiobuccal cusp of the upper first molar occludes into the embrasure between the lower first molar and second premolar. Classify the molar relationship.

A. Class I

B. Class II

C. Class II division I

D. Class III

E. Unclassified

Hormone changes that will cause periodontal problem in menopause patients

A. Leptin

B. Androgen

C. Estrogen

D. Progesteron

There are the early colonizers at our tooth surface, except

A. S.oralis

B. P.intermedia

C. S.sangius

D. gingivalis


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