Medical Quiz

The Inflammatory Response Quiz


Macrophages fight infection from viruses and bacteria by doing what?

A. making antibodies

B. releasing toxins to destroy the pathogens

C. eating the pathogens

D. reproducing inside the pathogen

If histamine is present then the blood vessels become more……

A. Smooth

B. Turgid

C. Permeable

D. Tacky

Which of the following chemicals make capillaries more permeable?

A. Histamine

B. Heparine

Fluid and certain types of white blood cells leak from blood vessels into nearby tissues. The white blood cells then fight the

A. pathogens.

B. antigens.

C. T cells.

D. B cells.

This sticky fluid traps any pathogens that try and get in our body

A. Mucous Lining

B. Blood

C. Stomach Acid

D. Skin

Interferon is group of hormone like peptides produced by cells in response to the presence of

A. chemical irritants

B. viruses

C. bacterial cells

D. malarial parasites

Which one of these is part of the 2nd line of defense against pathogens?

A. antibiotics

B. skin

C. fever

D. antibodies

What happens first in the inflammatory response?

A. macrophages arrive and consume pathogens

B. histamine is released by injured mast cells

C. arteries to injury dialate

D. veins from the injury constrict

Which blood component adheres to collagen to create a sticky matrix to obstruct fluid drainage

A. red blood cells

B. white blood cells

C. leukocytes

D. platelets

Chemical that causes the blood vessels around the infection to dilate (expand) so that more blood can flow to the infection

A. Stomach acid

B. Mucus

C. Epithelial cells

D. Histamines

What is the term used for clearing out a damaged site after an injury?

A. Platelet Plug formation

B. Vascular Spasm

C. Phagocytosis

D. White blood cell synthesis

Lymphocytes are which type of cell?

A. White blood cells

B. T-cells and B-cells

C. Nerve cells

D. Red blood cells

The second line of defense in the body is the

A. barriers.

B. inflammatory response.

C. immune system.

D. lymphatic system.


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