Medical Quiz

Topics: Transport System in Man Quiz

What is the function of valves in heart?

A. To prevent the backflow of blood in the chambers.

B. To allow the backflow of blood in the heart.

C. To initiate the flow of the blood in the heart.

Select your answer:


Cells and Organ Systems Discovery of DNA Polio Neurology Mutations, Replication, and Cancer Hematology & Blood Banking Health - Nutrition Cells, Genetics & Heredity Review Movement and Locomotion Human Circulatory System Surgical Vocabulary Musculoskeletal Diseases Tissues Vocabulary Pancreatitis Bacteria and Viruses

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STNA (State Tested Nursing Assistant) › View

Which of the following is the best way to communicate with a resident who is completely deaf?

A. speak loudly and clearly

B. smile and turn on the television

C. write out all communication

D. sit next to the resident and speak into his or her ear

Human Body Systems › View

The group of organs that work together to break food down by physical and chemical processes into nutrients that the body can use

A. Digestive system

B. Respiratory system

C. Immune system

D. Cardiovascular system