Topics: Surgical Vocabulary Quiz
When someone vomits and inhales their own vomit, this is an example of:
A. indigestion
C. aspiration
D. ulcer
Select your answer:
Cell Structure and Functions Corona Infection Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins Forensic Odontology Child Growth and Development Organ Systems RDA Dental Caries The Cell Circulatory System Major Organs Sensory System Anatomy and Pathology Motor Neuron Disease Bacteriology Lab Culture Media Child DevelopmentOther quiz:
Physiothearpy in Neurology › ViewSpinal cord injuries make it difficult for ____________ to travel between the brain and rest of the body.
A. water
B. mail
C. messages
Bonding and the Periodic Table › View
Why was filling the Hindenburg with hydrogen a bad idea?
A. It’s highly reactive
B. It’s very inert
C. It’s a Noble Gas
D. It’s a halogen