Medical Quiz

Topics: Stress Quiz

What stress is considered the BAD stress?
A. Eustress
B. Distress

Select your answer:


Cells & Body Systems EKG Medical Term Conjunctivita Oral Surgery Organ Senses and Locomotor System Principle of Health Science Special Senses Cardiology Medications DNA and RNA Structures Pollution Micro Immunology Mutations Unintentional Injuries Healthy Living Vocabulary Cell and Tissue

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Genetics: Viruses and Bacteria › View

One important way to control the spread of viruses in through

A. the use of vaccines

B. drinking a lot of tea

C. the use of other types of bacteria

D. the use of antibiotics

Bacteria & Viruses › View

What happens after the second time you are exposed to a pathogen?

A. The body will not be able to fight off the pathogen quickly, because it knows how to get into the body easier.

B. The body’s immune system will react the same was as it did during the first exposure.

C. The body can only be exposed to a pathogen a second time if you do not have a vaccine.

D. The body will know how to fight off the pathogen quickly, because memory cells have been created after the first encounter.