Medical Quiz

Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Quiz


How does AIDS disrupt homeostasis?

A. It prevents the digestive system from breaking down food.

B. It weakens the immune system so the body can’t fight pathogens.

C. It stops mitochondria from carrying out cell respiration.

What happens to breathing and heart rate during exercise?

A. Breathing rate increases and heart rate decreases

B. They both increase

C. They both decrease

Why do arteries have a thick muscle layer?

A. To provide energy for the blood vessel.

B. To prevent the blood flowing backwards.

C. To help withstand the high pressure blood, also to contract to control blood flow.

Where would you find alveoli and what do they do?

A. In the arteries, they stop the artery from bursting.

B. In the heart, and they stop the blood flowing backwards

C. In the lungs and they are they site of gas exchange

What happens after the second time you are exposed to a pathogen?

A. The body will not be able to fight off the pathogen quickly, because it knows how to get into the body easier.

B. The body’s immune system will react the same was as it did during the first exposure.

C. The body can only be exposed to a pathogen a second time if you do not have a vaccine.

D. The body will know how to fight off the pathogen quickly, because memory cells have been created after the first encounter.

Which type of cell is found in the greatest numbers in blood?

A. Red blood cell

B. White blood cell

C. Platelets

What are the differences between anaerobic and aerobic respiration?

A. Anaerobic respiration takes place in mitochondria, releases less energy and forms lactic acid that causes cramp. Aerobic respiration occurs in cytoplasm, releases more energy and forms carbon dioxide and water which do not cause cramp.

B. Anaerobic respiration takes place in cytoplasm, releases less energy and forms lactic acid that causes cramp. Aerobic respiration occurs in mitochondria, releases more energy and forms carbon dioxide and water which do not cause cramp.

C. Anaerobic respiration takes place in cytoplasm, releases less energy and does not cause cramp. Aerobic respiration occurs in mitochondria, releases more energy and causes cramp.

What is the pathogen that causes AIDS?

A. The flu virus

B. Bacteria


Why is energy required by the body?

A. For creating glucose and oxygen

B. For respiration

C. For movement (muscle contraction) and keeping warm.

The immune system fights diseases. The circulatory system pairs with the immune system because ___.

A. blood is made in the bones.

B. plasma carries nutrients.

C. red blood cells carry oxygen.

D. white blood cells fight infection.

Name 2 human excretory organs.

A. Heart and lungs

B. Brain and heart

C. Kidneys and lungs

The following is a protein located in the Immune System that kills invading pathogens.

A. Antiboitics

B. White Blood Cells

C. Boosters

D. Antibodies

Why is the left wall of the heart have a thicker layer of muscle than the right side?

A. To stop the blood flowing backwards

B. To push the blood with more force at high pressure so it goes to all body cells.

C. To push the blood at high pressure to the lungs.

The diaphragm links the respiratory to the muscular system because…

A. it is made of skeletal muscle tissue that helps you breath.

B. it is made of smooth muscle tissue that helps you breath.

C. it is made of cardiac muscle tissue that helps you breath.

Give the word equation for aerobic respiration.

A. Glucose + carbon dioxide –> oxygen + water

B. Glucose –> lactic acid

C. glucose + oxygen –> carbon dioxide + water

Needs host cell to reproduce.

A. Virus

B. Bacteria

C. Fungus

What do phagocytes do?

A. Engulf (surround) microbes and digest them.

B. Produce antibodies.

C. Release a toxin that kills pathogens.

Give one adaptation of alveoli for efficient gas exchange.

A. Alveoli have a one cell thick lining for a short diffusion pathway.

B. Alveoli have a small surface area for fast diffusion of oxygen.

C. Alveoli have many a thick lining for a long diffusion pathway.

What other names are given to red blood cells and also white blood cells?

A. Lymphocytes (red blood cells) and phagocytes and erythrocytes (white blood cells).

B. Erythrocytes (red blood cells) and phagocytes and lymphocytes (white blood cells).

C. Phagocyctes (red blood cells) and lymphocytes and erythrocytes (white blood cells).

What is the name of the liquid part of the blood?

A. Platelets

B. Plasma

C. Red blood cells


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