Medical Quiz

Topics: Skin Structure and Growth Quiz

The deepest layer of the epidermis, the basal cell layer, is also known as the: 

A. stratum germinativum

B. stratum corneum

C. stratum spinosum

D. keratin dermis

Select your answer:


Inherited & Acquired Traits Teeth and Microbes Blood/Lymphatic/Immune Pulmonary System Musculoskeletal Injuries Pancreatitis Molecular Basis of Inheritance Health & Wellness Vocabulary Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Medication Administration Healthy Lifestyle Genetic Diseases Bones Microbes Male Reproductive System

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Cardiorespiratory or Vascular Systems › View

The amount of oxygen that is consumed by the body during a specific level of activity.

A. Oxygen Extraction

B. Resting Oxygen Consumption

C. Oxygen Consumption

Atoms and Radioactivity › View

An isotope of an element has the same number of _________, but a different number of _________.

A. Protons, electrons

B. Protons, neutrons

C. Electrons, neutrons

D. Neutrons, protons