Medical Quiz

Genetic Diseases Quiz


delusion anxiety and weight loss are all symptoms of

A. Cystic fybrosis

B. Sickle cell anemia


D. Huntington’s disease

Which progressive disease destroys a persons memory and the ability to form new memories

A. cystic fibrosis

B. alzheimers disease

C. polycystic kidney disease

D. Turners syndrome

the genetic disease that causes personality changes at the age of 40+ is

A. Polycystic Kidney disease

B. Huntington’s Disease

Turner syndrome can cause

A. personality changes

B. mental retardation

C. tall stature

D. infertility

Which disease is caused by the absence of an enzyme that breaks down fatty substances, and kills children due to the buildup of fats to toxic levels

A. Turners syndrome

B. Cystic fibrosis

C. Alzheimers disease

D. Tay sachs

What is Hemophilia?

A. a genetic disorder affecting bloods ability to clot

B. a genetic disorder where there is a 23rd chromosome

C. a type of gene

D. an allele

Is Hemophilia curable?

A. Yes

B. No

Blood don’t clot

A. Hemophilia

B. Color blindness


a symptom of DMD is

A. Blood don’t clot

B. Frequent falls

C. Trouble seeing colors

D. Seizures

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is

A. Autosomal

B. Sex linked

Huntington’s Disease is caused by

A. a breakdown of nerve cells in the brain due to a mutation of the HTT gene/Chrom 4

B. a breakdown of nerve cells in the brain due to a mutation the PKD gene

C. Fluid filled cysts in the kidneys

D. trouble falling asleep

The CFTR gene controls

A. The movement of nerve cells in the body

B. The movement of salts and fluids into and out of cell

some cells are sick dizziness and low oxygen


B. sickle cell anemia

C. Color blindness

Hemophilia is

A. Autosomal

B. Sex linked

which disease is NOT autosomal recessive


B. sickle cell anemia

C. cystic fybrosis

D. Huntington’s disease

Huntington’s disease is



Diagnostic test of down syndrome are done ..

A. Week 6-8 during pregnancy

B. Week 10-13 during pregnancy

C. After Labor

D. none of the above

Which disease is caused by a mutation in the CFTR gene and causes sticky thick mucus in your lungs

A. Tay Sachs

B. Turners Syndrome

C. Alzheimers disease

D. Cystic fibrosis

How many typesof Hemophilia are there?

A. 1

B. 4

C. 3

D. 2

What is replacemet therapy?

A. Where a doctor takes all the blood out of someone with hemophilia and replaces it with normal blood

B. Clotting factors are replaced by injecting (infusing) a clotting factor concentrate into a vein.

C. taking out the section of the brain with hemophilia

Color blindness is

A. Autosomal

B. Sex linked

sickle cell anemia is



Turners syndrome is a result of

A. having only 1 X chromosome

B. having 3 copies of chromosome 21

C. having an extra Y chromosome

Muscles aren’t coordinated well



C. cystic fybrosis

Which disease “turns bodies into stone”

A. Cystic Fibrosis


C. Autism

D. Huntingtons Disease


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