Medical Quiz

Skin Growth Quiz


What is the oily substance that protects the skin against water called?

A. seaweed

B. callus

C. sebum

D. skin

The top of the papillary layer where it joins the epidermis is the: 

A. epidermal-dermal connection

B. dermis corpuscles

C. epidermal-dermal junction

D. epidermis junction

What is the top layer of skin called?

A. callus

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. hypodermis

The outermost and thinnest layer of the skin is the:

A. surface

B. epidermis

C. subcutaneous

D. dermis

What is the oily substance that protects the skin against water called?

A. seaweed

B. callus

C. sebum

D. skin

First degree burns are not very serious because they only affect…

A. the epidermis.

B. the dermis.

C. the hypodermis.

D. the calluses.

The stratum germinativum is composed of several layers with special cells that produce a dark skin pigment called: 

A. granules

B. melanin

C. elongated

D. keratin

True or False: The brain is the largest organ in the body.



flat and scale like – make up most of the cells in the outer layer of the skin, the passages of the respiratory and digestive tracts, and the linings of the hollow organs of the body.

A. squamous

B. cubiodal

C. columnar

What layer of skin senses pain?

A. callus

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. hypodermis

Which is NOT a function of the skin?

A. Insulation

B. Movement

C. Excretion

D. Vitamin D Production

One of the unique things about the stratum basale layer of the epidermis is

A. mitosis

B. meiosis

C. it’s pink

What layer of skin connects to muscle and bone?

A. callus

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. hypodermis

Fatty tissue found below the dermis is:

A. papillae

B. papillary layer

C. tactile 

D. subcutaneous tissue

What layer of skin senses pain?

A. callus

B. epidermis

C. dermis

D. hypodermis


Environmental Biotechnology Circulatory & Lymphatic Limitation of Senses Nervous, Musculoskeletal Systems, Integumentary Systems Obesity Cariology Orthopaedic Neurology Skeletal System Vocabulary Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Corona The Nervous System and The Senses Medical Microbiology Healthcare Systems and Settings Health & Wellness Vocabulary Renal, Cancer, HIV