Skeletal System Quiz
the bone in the upper lef or thigh bone. It is also the longest bone in the body.
A. femur
B. tibia and fibula
C. knee cap/patella
D. pelvis
gets out of its normal position at the joint
A. Sprain
B. Fracture
C. Dislocation
D. First Aid Treatment
What is the place where two bones meet?
A. bones
B. tendons
C. ligament
D. joint
The shape classification of bones that are longer than wide, like those in the limbs and fingers.
A. long bones
B. short bones
C. osteo bones
What is a common disease that has to do with the skeletal system
A. Alzheimer’s
B. Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome
C. Osteonecrosis
D. Asthma
The bones found in the body’s core, like the skull, vertebral column, and rib cage and sternum.
A. phalanges
B. axial skeleton
C. appendicular skeleton
Which bone cell secretes the bony matrix?
A. Osteoprogenitor
B. Osteocyte
C. Osteoblast
D. Osteoclast
thin membrane that covers the surface of the bone.
A. Periosteum
B. compct bone
C. spongy bone
D. bone marrow
study of the functions of the structures of the body
A. anatomy
B. physiology
C. cytology
the hip bones form a ring called ____
A. femur
B. tibia and fibula
C. knee cap/patella
D. pelvis
Trabeculae is the structure of bone found in _______________.
A. spongy bone
B. compact bone
Your _____ helps you stand tall.
A. skull
B. femur
C. spine
D. rib cage
Bones are hard and rigid bcause they contain minerals except
A. magnesium
B. Calcium
C. phosphorous
D. potassium
What is the smallest bone in the human body
A. Femur
B. Rib
C. Stapes
D. Phalanges
Tiny struts or supports in spongy bone that are aligned to resist stress.
A. trabeculae
B. lacunae
C. osteons