Medical Quiz

Skeletal Pathology Quiz


performing a surgical procedure while using arthroscope to view internal structure.

A. arthroscopic surgery

B. arthrrocentesis

C. arthroclasia

D. arthrodesis

surgical procedure that cuts into a joint capsule (joint / cutting into)

A. arthrotomy

B. bursectomy

C. craniotomy

D. laminectomy

to forcibly break loose a fused joint while patient is under anesthetic (joint / surgically break)

A. arthrodesis

B. arthroclasia

C. arthrotomy

D. arthrocentesis

surgical removal of synovial membrane (synovial membrane / surgical removal)

A. bunionectomy

B. bursectomy

C. chondrectomy

D. synovectomy

Partial or complete removal of a limb

A. orthotic

B. prosthesis

C. amputation

D. fixation

surgical removal of bursa

A. laminectomy

B. osteotomy

C. snyovectomy

D. bursectomy

application of solid material to immobilize extremity or portion of the body as a result of fracture, dislocation, or injury

A. cast

B. fixation

C. reduction

D. traction

Artificial device used as a substitute for body part that is either congenitally missing or absent as a result of accident or disease (addition / pertaining to)

A. craniotomy

B. orthotics

C. prosthesis

D. synovectomy

Procedure to stabilize a joint by fusing bones together (joint / to fuse)

A. arthrocentesis

B. arthroclasia

C. arthrodesis

D. arthrotomy

Insertion of a needle into joint cavity in order to remove fluid (joint / puncture to withdraw fluid)

A. arthrocentesis

B. orthotic

C. arthroclasia

D. arthrotomy

piece of bone taken from patient used to take the place of removed bone or bony defect at another site

A. spinal fusion

B. chondroplasty

C. orthotic

D. bone graft

surgical immobilization of adjacent vertebrae

A. synovectomy

B. laminectomy

C. spinal fusion

D. fixation

surgical repair of cartilage (cartilage / surgical repair)

A. chondrectomy

B. chondroplasty

C. osteotomy

D. orthotic

removal of vertebral posterior arch to correct severe back problems and pain caused by compression of spinal nerve (lamina / surgical removal)

A. osteoclasia

B. chondrectomy

C. bursectomy

D. laminectomy

correcting fracture by realigning bone fragments

A. cast

B. fixation

C. reduction

D. traction


Knee Anatomy Body Defense Limitation of Senses Movement and Locomotion The Nervous System Intravenous Fluid Therapy Life Processes Pathophysiology_Endocrine Lifetime Wellness Anatomy & Physiology Biocomposite Eye Physiology Stimuli and Responses in Humans Gastroenterology Nursing Psychology, Psychiatry or Social Work