Sitemap 9
- Organisms that need nitrogen to survive A. Only plants B. Only animals C. Only bacteria ...
- the body's response to an infection by showing redness, swelling, & pain A. immunization ...
- Beneficial or Harmful? yeast used to cause bread to rise A. beneficial B. harmful ...
- Bacteria are prokaryotes which means they A. have a nucleus on their capsule B. do ...
- A protein made by white blood cells to fight a specific pathogen. A. Antibody ...
- a tiny, non-living particle that invades and then multiplies inside a living cell is called ...
- How animals get the nitrogen they need A. From the air they breathe B. From ...
- A disease that can be passed from one person to another through pathogens. A. Communicable ...
- Why is a microscope needed to view cells? A. to separate cells from each other ...
- Sprain occurs when we __________ the joint A. under use B. extend the joint ...
- The X ray image is used A. to ...
- Movement shown by ankle and wrist are A. clockwise movement B. anti clock wise movement ...
- We can take care of the joints by A. eating healthy food and maintaining ideal ...
- Study of joints is called A. Archeology B. Arthrology C. Anthropology D. Dermatology
- Tennis elbow occurs to people _________ A. playing tennis B. playing badminton C. with swollen ...
- What would you suggest to eat to maintain healthy bones and joints? A. bakery products, ...
- Guess the joint-It moves over each other, gives side ways movement, rotates, goes back and ...
- Examples are movable joints are A. ankle, wrist, upper jaw B. hip, neck, skull ...
- Function of our skeleton system is A. make us stand straight B. gives shape and ...
- What pituitary hormone targets primarily bones and muscles? A. testosterone B. growth hormone C. antidiuretic ...
- What effect does adrenaline have on the body? A. Causes heart and breathing rate to ...
- Which best describes the characteristics of a TARGET CELL? A. Cell that contains receptors for ...
- The picture below best describes the activity of what type of hormone...
- The production of luteinising hormone stimulates the production of which hormone? A. progestrone B. gonadotrophin releasing ...
- A steroid hormone acts inside the cell: A. True B. False
- What is the function (job) of hormones? A. Control target organs B. Control your moods ...
- The pituitary is mostly controlled by: A. the pineal gland B. the thalamus C. the ...
- Which pituitary hormone is stimulated by the dehydration that occurs during and after exercise? ...
- Hormone that stimulates the bones to store excess calcium A. Calcitonin B. Parathyroid Hormone ...
- What are the target organs of insulin? A. Liver and pancreas B. Liver and muscles ...
- What hormone is secreted from the ovaries ? A. oestrogen B. testosterone C. eggstrone ...
- What are the two hormones that control the menstrual cycle? A. Oestrogen and testosterone ...
- Where is testosterone made? A. Ovaries B. Pituitary gland C. Testis
- Stimulates the adrenal cortex to release aldosterone and cortisol A. ACTH B. androgens C. ADH ...
- What is the stimulus for the release of prolactin? A. baby's head pushing on cervix ...
- Where is the pancreas located? A. Below the stomach B. Under the diagram C. In ...
- Which gland produces these hormones: Growth Hormone, Prolactin, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH? A. Anterior pituitary ...
- The hormone is also known as the cuddle or love hormone: A. prolactin B. estrogen ...
- Which hormones is secreted from the pancreas? A. glucagon, progesterone B. oestrogen, progesterone C. oestrogen, ...
- What hormone is responsible for the production of milk in the breast? A. prolactin ...
- Hormone that stimulates the bones to break down to increase blood calcium levels A. Parathyroid ...
- What is glucagon's major role in the body? A. to raise blood sugar B. to ...
- This hormone increases reabsorption of water by kidney. A. ACTH B. ADH C. PTH ...
- Which of the following glands does NOT belong to the endocrine system? A. Pituitary ...
- The pancreas produces _____ when your blood sugar level is high. A. GH B. ADH ...
- What effect does growth hormone have on bone and muscle cells? A. Causes cells there ...
- How do hormones travel from the glands where they are made to their target organs? ...
- Where is the hypothalamus located? A. cranium B. center of brain C. chest D. kidney ...
- Where are the adrenal glands located ? A. on top of the kidney B. in ...
- What is another term for steroid hormones? A. Lipid Soluble B. Water Soluble C. Androgens ...
- Stimulates thyroid to secrete thyroxine A. thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) B. thyroxine C. calcitonin D. parathyroid ...
- The picture below best describes the activity of what type of hormone...
- Cortisol is the metabolic response to what? A. Anger B. Stress C. Sugar D. Depression ...
- Cortisol increases what? A. Glucagon B. Insulin C. Glycogen D. Glucose
- Where are hormones produced (made) A. Glands B. Bloodstream C. Target organs
- _________________ are the chemical messengers that are secreted directly into the bloodstream. A. Amino Acids ...
- Liver releases which digestive juice?? A. Pancreatic B. Bile C. Saliva D. Orange juice
- The lifespan of WBC is:- A. 3-4 weeks B. 10-12 weeks C. 2-3 weeks ...
- Which movement prevents food to move back into the mouth?? A. Gravitational B. Peristalsis ...
- On the inside, human beings' heart is divided into ________ hollow chambers. A. 2 ...
- ____________ forms a common passage for both air and food. A. Larynx B. Pharynx ...
- Plasma is made up of _________% of water. A. 60 B. 15 C. 95 ...
- The respiratory system is divided into how many parts?? A. 2 B. 6 C. 7 ...
- The digestive system is divided into how many parts?? A. 6 B. 2 C. 11 ...
- A person of blood group O wants to donate his blood. He can donate his ...
- Approximately there are ________ million of alveoli in the lungs. A. 100 B. 850 ...
- The major components of The Circulatory System are:- A. Blood, Veins and Heart B. Nerves, ...
- How many steps there are in the process of providing of our body with nutrition?? ...
- The alveoli in the lungs cover a approximate surface area of:- A. 200 square metres ...
- A normal heart beats around ___________ times per minute?? A. 82 B. 72 C. 62 ...
- There is a person who has blood group B and wants blood. He can receive ...
- Which is not an example of a harmful microorganism? A. Mold growing on a kitchen ...
- How could you describe the size of a virus? A. Smaller than bacteria B. Larger ...
- Mushroom belongs to A. Algae B. Virus C. Fungi D. None of the above
- Influenza is a disease caused due to A. bacteria B. Virus C. Protozoa D. None ...
- Viruses reproduce themselves by... A. dividing into two identical copies B. causing cells to transform ...
- An infectious disease: A. can be spread from person to person. B. can not be ...
- Which of the following statements are true? A. All microorganisms are bad B. All microorganisms ...
- Which pathogen needs a host cell to reproduce? A. virus B. bacteria C. fungus ...
- A class of organisms that harm their host by producing toxins that interfere with normal ...
- A microbe that causes disease…? A. Pathogen B. Vector C. Fungus D. Virus
- A special part of cell division where the nucleus of the cell makes a copy ...
- Involves two parents and produces offspring different from parents A. external fertilization B. sexual reproduction ...
- Which type(s) of reproduction involves involve a sperm + egg? A. asexual B. sexual ...
- If a human is composed of 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes would be in a ...
- If a hydra is made of 32 chromosomes, how many chromosomes will the offspring have? ...
- Reproduction is A. process of producing offspring with in the same species B. process of ...
- One cell that has both female and male reproductive cell A. mitosis B. clone ...
- Female reproductive cell in animals A. egg B. pollen C. sperm D. zygote
- Which type(s) of reproduction involves offspring identical to the parent? A. asexual B. sexual ...
- The organism produced during reproduction is called a(n) _____________. A. child B. growth C. offspring ...
- Male reproductive cell in animals A. egg B. sperm C. clone D. pollen
- Bacteria reproduce this way. A. budding ...
- Which type(s) of reproduction includes chromosomes being passed to offspring? A. asexual B. sexual ...
- Identical copy of parent A. zygote B. clone C. sperm D. pollen
- Which of these are disadvantages of sexual reproduction? A. transfer of genetic diseases B. takes ...
- Which type(s) of reproduction involves NO genetic diversity? A. asexual B. sexual C. both
- The movement of pollen from one flower to another flower A. zygote B. pollination ...
- Which type(s) of reproduction involves only ONE parent? A. asexual B. sexual C. both
- Sex cells are produced by _____________. A. photosynthesis B. zygotes C. meiosis D. mitosis
- ___________ reproduction has the advantage of increasing genetic variation. A. Sexual B. Asexual C. Fission ...
- Rat carries pathogen named Salmonella typhi. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Which of the following is the symptom of Diphtheria? A. Bleeding gum B. Hydrophobia ...
- The study of disease is known as A. Toxology B. Immunology C. Pathology D. Diseasology ...
- Which disease is spread by dirt particles getting into wounds? It can cause lockjaw from ...
- Following are the causes that weaken the immune system except A. Stress B. Exposure to ...
- A disease that spreads from one host to another is known as A. Communicable ...
- Which way a pathogen can enter the body? A. Nose B. Injured skin C. Mouth ...
- Which of the following is a set of bacterial diseases? A. Malaria, poliomyelitis, mumps ...
- How many type of disease? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
- What is a non-communicable disease? A. An illness that can be passed on by germs ...
- Which of the following pathogens causes cholera in humans? A. Fungi B. Bacteria C. Virus ...
- Which of the following pathogens causes Tuberculosis _________. A. Virus B. Bacterium C. Protozoan ...
- Cholera is caused by a bacteria named Vibrio Cholerae A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Infectious diseases are diseases caused by an organism such as a virus or a bacterium, ...
- A disease on a world-wide scale is known as A. Epidemic B. Pandemic C. Endemic ...
- Calcipotriol A. Emollients B. Anthracene derivatives C. Keratolytics D. Vitamin D analogues
- Formation of new lesions of psoriasis due to injury to skin is known as ...
- Full form of PASI A. Psoriasis area indexing services B. Psoarisis affected indexing score ...
- Anthracene deivatives A. Inhibit DNA replication B. Interfere energy production C. Both A and B ...
- Salicylic acid is a A. Emollient B. Keratolytic C. Anthracene derivatives
- Vitamin D analogues are not used witu calcium supplements A. Hypernatremia B. Hypercalcemia C. Hyperkalemia ...
- Identify the psoriasis A. Plaque psoriasis ...
- Psoriasis is..... A. Autoimmune disease B. Autolytic disease C. Autonomous disease
- Guttate psoriasis A. Lesions looks like coin B. Lesions looks like drops C. Lesions looks ...
- The gene involved in psoriasis A. PSORS1 B. TNM2 C. PSUR9 D. ALL OF THE ...
- Identify the psoriasis A. Guttate B. ...
- PUVA therapy includes A. Psorlens and UVB B. Polymoer UVA C. Polyene UVB
- Which of the following veins is the longest in the body? A. superior vena cava ...
- Stimulation of baroreceptors in large arteries of the head and neck, triggers sympathetic stimulation of ...
- If blood pressure drops, a negative feedback mechanism causes. A. activation of the venous reservoirs. ...
- Which of the following represents pulmonary circulation as the blood flows from the right ventricle? ...
- All the following are vascular resistance EXCEPT A. Size of the lumen B. Blood viscosity ...
- The hepatic portal system collects blood from the __________ and then routes it to the ...
- Exchanges of substances between the blood and body tissue cells occur as blood flows through ...
- Blood flows through the blood vessels because of the _________ A. establishment of a concentration ...
- Which type of blood vessels plays a key role in regulating blood flow from arteries ...
- Which of the followining vessels bring blood to the inferior vena cava? A. coronary sinus ...
- Which of the following is the correct sequence of layers in the vessel wall from ...
- Cardiogenic shock is most likely to result from __________. A. a severe bacterial infection ...
- If the blood pressure reading on patients is 142/95, the diastolic pressure is_________ A. 47 ...
- Which of the following acts on the kidneys and blood vessels to raise blood pressure? ...
- Aldosterone affects blood pressure by A. increasing heart rate. B. increasing vasoconstriction of arterioles. ...
- The exchange of nutrients and waste products takes place through the walls of_______ A. arterioles ...
- During systemic circulation, blood leaves the __________. A. right ventricle and goes directly to the ...
- Blood vessels form a closed system of tubes that carries blood away from the heart ...
- The two most important baroreceptor reflexes are the ________ A. carotid sinus reflex and the ...
- Which of the following arteries branches to form the common hepatic artery, left gastric artery, ...
- surrounds the cell; controls what enters/leaves cell; maintains homeostasis A. vacuole B. cell wall ...
- The smallest unit of life is ____ A. a protist B. an atom C. bacteria ...
- Which of the following tissues is made up of cells that contract when stimulated? ...
- _____________________ is a vascular tissue that carries sugars and other foods throughout a plant. ...
- The nervous tissue that is found in the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves that ...
- The body of a plant is made up of organs called roots, ________, and leaves. ...
- suspends organelles in the cell A. cytoplasm B. cell membrane C. cell wall D. ribosomes ...
- What is the difference between rough and smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum? A. There is no difference. ...
- breaks down food to release energy A. nucleus B. lysosomes C. mitochondria D. vacuole
- connect other tissue types together A. Connective Tissue B. Muscle Tissue C. Epithelial Tissue ...
- What is the vascular tissue that carries water throughout a plant? A. phloem B. seedling ...
- changes and packages cell products A. nucleus B. cell wall C. vacuole D. golgi body ...
- ONLY found in plant cells A. nucleus B. cell wall C. cell membrane D. lysosome ...
- ONLY found in a plant cell A. lysosome B. cell membrane C. chloroplast D. nucleus ...
- True or False. Prokaryotes contain cytoplasm. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- The very tiny bodies inside a cell are known as ... A. organelles B. cytoplasm ...
- makes proteins A. nucleus B. ribosomes C. lysosomes D. vacuole
- assist in Movement A. Muscle Tissue B. Nerve Tissue C. Connective Tissue
- control the cell's activities; contains the cell's DNA A. mitochondria B. cell membrane C. nucleus ...
- holds materials like water and is very large in a plant cell A. nucleus ...
- How can a convex lens correct farsightedness or hyperopia? The convex lens focuses images______________. ...
- What happens to the lens of your eye as you age? A. it gets smaller ...
- The lens of your eye is convex. Because of this, what happens to light as ...
- Eye Problem where close objects may be distorted or blurry A. Astigmatism B. Farsighted ...
- Laser surgery: A. changes the shape of your cornea B. changes the distance between your ...
- The defect of vision in which the person is able to see distant object distinctly ...
- What condition refers to which distant objects are seen clearly, but nearby objects appear blurry? ...
- Which of the following is far-sightedness? A. Myopia B. Hypermetropia/Hyperopia C. Presbyopia D. All of ...
- A myopic person might have trouble: A. reading small print B. seeing clearly in low ...
- If your vision problems can be corrected by a convex lens, you: A. Having trouble ...
- Which of the following statements is true of nearsighted people? A. their retinas that are ...
- What does the optic nerve do? A. transmit impulses from retina to brain B. helps ...
- What condition refers to which nearby objects are seen clearly, but distant objects appear blurry? ...
- What type of lens can correct the nearsightedness vision problem? A. Concave B. Convex ...
- In case of minor burns pour plenty of ------ water immediately over it A. hot ...
- Most of the accidents occur due to our_________________. A. alertness B. carelessness C. awareness
- For animal bites You can apply _________________ to avoid further infection. A. a sling ...
- To be safe in the playground A. push each other B. wait for your turn ...
- Which of these should be avoided for safety reasons? A. Jogging B. Dancing C. Running ...
- First aid can only be given by a doctor A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Breaking of a bone A. Cold water B. Fracture C. Acid D. Rabies E. Splint ...
- A ................... is a device used to put out fires A. Fire extinguisher B. Speak ...
- A Sprain is when: A. the first medical help given to injured person B. tissues ...
- Do not play with _________________. A. Sharp objects B. football C. toys
- Which of these can you do without adult supervision? A. Cut vegetables B. Set off ...
- The inmediate medical help given to an injured person before the doctor arrives is called ...
- Always cross the road at the _________________. A. zebra crossing B. footpath C. road divider ...
- The bandage used to cut off blood flow in case of several bleeding is called ...
- We should not wear_____________ clothes while near fire. A. synthetic B. cotton
- Do not touch electric appliances with ___________ hands. A. dry B. wet C. soft
- This nutrient is the main fuel for our bodies A. carbohydrates B. protein C. fat ...
- Which of the following is NOT a major activity of the stomach? A. mechanical digestion ...
- Predict the next digestive system organ in the following sequence: mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, ______ ...
- Which enzyme does the stomach produce? A. amylase B. lipase C. maltase D. protease
- Where is bile made? A. gall bladder B. liver C. pancreas D. stomach
- Bile is produced by ____, stored in ____, released by _____ A. liver; duodenum; bile ...
- what is assimilation? A. undigested food B. digested food products are converted into fluid and ...
- Which of the following organs is INCORRECTLY paired with its function? A. stomach - protein ...
- What is the oesophagus A. A tube leading down from the back of the mouth ...
- Assimilation is the ____ stage of Human Digestion A. 3rd B. 2nd C. 5th ...
- What is the short tube that stores solid waste until it is eliminated from the ...
- What is the correct order of food passage in the alimentary canal? A. Mouth, Stomach, ...
- The role of fibre is to A. Strengthen teeth and bones B. Keep the digestive ...
- What is NOT an Organ of the Alimentary Canal? A. Large Intestine B. Stomach ...
- What is emulsification A. When bile salts break down fat droplets in the duodenum ...
- Where does most of the digestive process take place? A. Small intestine B. Stomach ...
- Where is the digestion of food completed? A. liver B. large intestine C. stomach ...
- Name the glands associated with the Human Digestive System? A. Only salivary glands and pancreas ...
- Which of the following correctly describes the purpose of digestion? A. To break down complex ...
- Which of the following kills bacteria in the human alimentary canal? A. gastric juice ...
- what is the process of taking food into the body? A. digestion B. swallowing ...
- Which of the following enzymes digests proteins? A. Trypsin B. Lipase C. Peptidases D. Amylase ...
- Most nutrient absorption occurs in the ________________ . A. mouth B. stomach C. large intestines ...
- In which part of the alimentary canal does digestion of protein begin? A. Small intestine ...
- Lipase digests fats into A. amino acids B. fatty acids and glycerol C. starch ...
- This nutrient is neccesary for building muscle and blood A. carbohydrates B. protein C. fat ...
- Which of the following is NOT a major activity of the stomach? A. mechanical digestion ...
- The enzyme trypsin is responsible for digestion of which of these A. Carbohydrate B. Fat ...
- The site of complete digestion of food is A. Small intestine B. Large intestine ...
- Name the tubes Which connect the Kidneys tothe urinary bladder A. Urethera B. Nephron ...
- The upward movement of water from Roots to stem is called A. Transpiration pull ...
- Which of the following is a plant waste A. Oxygen B. Water C. Dry leaves ...
- Which of these does not come under life process A. Reproduction B. Nutrition C. Excretion ...
- Glycolysis occurs in which part of the cell A. Cytoplasm B. Nucleus C. Mitochondria ...
- The procedure used forcleaning theblood of a person by a machine is called A. Osmosis ...
- Deoxygenated blood enters in which Chamber of the human heart A. Right auricle B. Left ...
- A circulatory fluid in human beings other than blood is A. Plasma B. Lymph ...
- The term that is used for the mode of nutrition in yeast, mushroom and bread-mould ...
- When we observe the lower surface of a leaf through a magnifying lens we see ...
- In the absence of which of the following will photosynthesis not occur in leaves? ...
- The basic unit of life A. tissue B. organism C. cell D. organ
- Which of the following correctly orders the organization in plants and animals from least to ...
- Different tissues that perform a task A. tissue B. organism C. cell D. organ ...
- Two organisms are good friends and live together. One provides shelter, water, and nutrients while ...
- The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine are all organs. When they work together to ...
- A living being A. Tissue B. Organism C. Cell D. Organ
- Group of cells that work together A. Tissue B. Organism C. Cell D. Organ
- It helps maintain skin, hair, provides insulation, and is needed for the production and absorption ...
- It helps in the prevention of chronic diseases and in the absorption and regulation of ...
- It helps the immune system in fighting illnesses and infections A. Calcium B. Iron ...
- It helps hydrate the body and is vital nutrient for good health. A. Protein ...
- It is essential for the workings of the heart, muscles, and nervous system. A. Vitamin ...
- Vitamin B1 is also known as A. Riboflabin B. Niacin C. Thiamine D. Folate
- Which of thenfollowing group of foods are rice in protein? A. Milk, meat, cheese ...
- A substance that may protect cells in the body against free radicals. A. Antioxidant ...
- It helps transport oxygen from the lungs to the other parts of the body. ...
- It promotes good vision, helps maintain healthy teeth, skeletal and soft tissue. A. Vitamin A ...
- It assist in building body tissues and help in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and ...
- A protein used to make skin, scar tissue, ligaments, tendons, and blood vessels. A. Collagen ...
- Vitamin B5 is also known as A. Riboflavin B. Biotin C. Folate D. Thiamine ...
- Vitamin B9 is also known as A. Biotin B. Pantothenic Acid C. Niacin D. Folate ...
- It helps in building and repairing muscles, red blood cells, and other tissues. A. Carbohydrates ...
- It helps build strong bones and teeth. A. Calcium B. Iron C. Potassium D. Zinc ...
- A substance that provides nourishment essential for the maintenance of life for growth. A. Nutrition ...
- It helps in the conversion of food to energy and in the functioning of the ...
- It helps form red blood cells and is an antioxidant. A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin ...
- It is needed to make a hemoglobin and helps in the metabolism of red blood ...
- It helps keep the muscles and nervous system in good working condition. A. Calcium ...
- It helps form red blood cells and in the maintenance of the central nervous system. ...
- The nutrients your body needs in larger amounts. A. Macronutrients B. Micronutrients
- These are found in foods from plants and animals and it help the body grow, ...
- The nutrients your body needs in smaller amounts. A. Macronutrients B. Micronutrients
- Insulin is released in response to: A. low blood glucose levels B. low blood calcium ...
- Glucagon is released in response to: A. low blood glucose levels B. high blood glucose ...
- Which component of the pancreas that produces hormone to regulate blood sugar A. Acinar Cells ...
- When glucose levels in the blood rise, your brain sends a signal to your pancreas. ...
- Which of the following is a disease where sufferers cannot control their blood glucose levels? ...
- What are the functions of Pancreas? A. Helps in digestion and regulating blood pressure ...
- Choose one which not the function of Insulin A. Convert glycogen to glucose B. Oxidise ...
- Homeostasis A. allows for a wildly fluctuating internal environment B. is impossible in vertebrates ...
- First section of the small intestine responsible for continued digestion. A. duodenum B. ileium ...
- A gland that secretes through ducts. A. Endocrine B. Exocrine
- A gland which secretes directly into the bloodstream. A. Endocrine B. Exocrine
- Glucagon targets: A. the pancreas B. all cells of the body C. the liver ...
- Malaria is more common in: A. The tropics B. Cold regions C. It is common ...
- This protozoan has a two stage life cycle in which one is called a ...
- Malaria sexual reproduction happens in the A. Mosquito stomach B. Mosquito salivary gland C. Human ...
- Something capable of spreading disease without being infected itself (rats, mosquitoes, soil parasites) A. Vector ...
- Unicellular eukaryotic organisms capable of movement:may cause infections (malaria, African sleeping sickness A. Virus ...
- Entamoebia histolytica harbours A. Caecum B. Rectum C. Colon D. All parts of large intestine ...
- Which mosquito spreads Malaria? A. Anopheles mosquito B. Aedes mosquito C. Culex mosquito
- The active form of protozoa is A. Cyst B. Trophozoites C. Both of these ...
- Only _________ mosquito transmits the disease. A. Male B. Female C. Adults
- What pathogen causes influenza (the Flu) A. Bacteria B. Virus C. Protozoa D. Fungi
- Malaria's symptoms are ______________________. A. Fever, chills and headache B. Vomitting, stomachache and diarrhea ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Gastrocnemius ...
- Name this bone. A. tarsals B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Obliques ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Quadriceps ...
- Name this bone. A. tibia B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Triceps Brachii ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Flexor & ...
- Name this bone. middle of hand A. metacarpals ...
- Name this bone. A. femur B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Gacstrocnemius (Calf) ...
- Name this bone. A. maxilla B. ...
- Name this bone. A. radius B. ...
- Name this bone. A. clavicle B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Deltoids ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Obliques ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Deltoids ...
- Name this bone. A. scapula B. ...
- Name this bone. A. tarsals B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Spinatus ...
- Name this bone. A. femur B. ...
- Name this bone. A. patella B. ...
- Name this bone. A. fibula B. ...
- Name this bone. The hip bone. A. sacrum ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Flexor & ...
- Name this bone. A. sternum B. ...
- Name this bone. A. radius B. ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Deltoids ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Flexor & ...
- Name this bone. A. xyphoid process ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Deltoids ...
- Name the muscle group - A. Obliques ...
- A structure that contains genes- humans have 23 pairs A. genes B. chrysanthemums C. geneology ...
- What percent of your DNA do you get from your mom? A. 25% B. 50% ...
- Represents an organisms inherited traits- Usually written as two letters A. gene B. genotype ...
- What are the levels of organization in the human body from smallest to largest? ...
- If two bears that are heterogeneous for black fur (B) have cubs, what are the ...
- Organisms with traits that are well suited for their environment survive and pass on their ...
- Which system contains the brain and nerves? A. excretory B. nervous C. respiratory D. musculoskeletal ...
- The respiratory system contains the A. heart and blood vessels B. stomach, esophagus, small and ...
- Which body system exchanges gases with the outside environment? A. circulatory B. nervous C. excretory ...
- Used to predict genetic crosses A. carrying capacities B. crystal ball C. punnett squares ...
- The body's ability to regulate its internal environment. A. tissue B. sweat C. homeostasis ...
- What are the organs of the excretory system? A. brain and nerves B. heart and ...
- The heart and blood vessels are in which system? A. digestive B. circulatory C. respiratory ...
- Which system removes waste from the body? A. excretory B. circulatory C. digestive D. musculoskeletal ...
- Which body system responds to stimuli? A. nervous B. circulatory C. digestive D. respiratory
- Which body system breaks down food for nutrients? A. respiratory B. digestive C. circulatory ...
- Traits that are always displayed no matter what the other allele is A. dominant ...
- Which two systems work together to get oxygen to the cells? A. digestive and circulatory ...
- A change in the genetic code of an organism and can be caused by radiation ...
- Physical expression of a gene-Example eye color A. genotype B. gene C. phenomenon D. phenotype ...
- A segment of DNA that codes for a trait is called A. gene B. chromosome ...
- Neither allele is dominant so the traits tend to blend A. incomplete dominance B. complete ...
- Which body system circulates waste, nutrients, and gases all over the body? A. circulatory ...
- Both genes show in the phenotype A. incomplete dominance B. complete dominance C. codominance ...
- This type of cell has genetic material in the nucleus. A. prokaryotic B. eukaryotic ...
- Traits that are displayed only when two of the traits are present. A. genotype ...
- Traits that are not inherited, but do affect the phenotype A. generational B. inherited ...
- Which system contains the stomach, esophagus, small and large intestines? A. nervous B. digestive ...
- Which system contains muscles and bones? A. nervous B. musculoskeletal C. digestive D. respiratory ...
- Which of the following is NOT a function of bones? A. Protection B. Support ...
- The skull protects which organ? A. heart B. lungs C. brain D. stomach
- What is the main purpose of the musculoskeletal system? A. remove waste from the body ...
- What does skeletal muscle do? A. It pumps the heart muscle. B. It moves food ...
- Cartilage is a layer of tissue between bones that acts as ___________. A. muscle ...
- What bone is highlighted? A. Femur ...
- What part of the skeleton protects the heart, lungs, and stomach? A. rib cage ...
- Which of the following body systems work together for support, protection, and movement? A. respiratory ...
- Where is the femur located in the body? A. arm B. shoulder C. leg ...
- What is the name for the connector that attaches muscle to bone?
- In order for the human body to move, which systems must work together? A. muscular ...
- What is the name for the connector that attaches bone to bone?
- True or false: Voluntary muscles in our face allow us to make different facial expressions. ...
- Biceps, deltoids, hamstrings, and quadriceps are all examples of _________________ muscles. A. voluntary B. involuntary ...
- Which is the white, hard, smooth layer of the bone? A. compact bone B. spongy ...
- _______ are the connections between bones that allow bones to move. A. joints B. muscles ...
- True or false: The tongue is a muscle. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Which statement below is false. A. The hinge joint allows back and forth movement. ...
- What is the longest bone in the body? A. sternum B. femur C. ulna ...
- True or False: Voluntary muscles move on their own, like the heart. A. FALSE ...
- Which layer alerts the brain when the bone is hurt? A. blood vessels and nerves ...
- What is bone marrow? A. jelly like material where blood cells are made B. the ...
- How many layers to bones have? A. 3 B. 4 C. 206 D. 10
- True or false: Bones are alive. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What is the name for the bones that make up the spine? (It goes down ...
- The respiratory system works primarily with which other system? A. Digestive B. Circulatory C. Lymphatic ...
- Which organ is known as the graveyard of blood cells? A. Spleen B. Pancreas ...
- True of false: Meiosis occurs in the testes and ovaries. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- The lymphatic system is very closely related to which other system? A. Circulatory System ...
- A neuron is a cell of what organ? A. Heart B. Skin C. Brain ...
- Which organ absorbs nutrients into the blood stream? A. Stomach B. Small intestine C. Liver ...
- True or false: Arteries carry oxygenated blood to the rest of the body's cellular tissues. ...
- Which organ has specialized tissue specific to that organ? A. Small intestine B. Arteries ...
- True or False: The right side of the heart contains oxygenated blood. A. TRUE ...
- The liver's primary function is to: A. Create bile B. Filter blood from the digestive ...
- Which side of the body is the stomach located on? A. Upper right abdomen ...
- Which side of the body is the liver located in? A. Upper right abdomen ...
- What is the diagnosis of this condition? A. ...
- *Imbalance CSF *Fontanelle feel firm or bulge out *Prominent scalp veins *Rapidly increasing head circumference ...
- Tree of life What it is? A. Emboliform B. Arbor Vitae C. Fastgeal D. Dentate ...
- There are five motor cranial nerves. A. Yes B. No
- Below are sensory cranial nerves. Which one is correct? I.Olfactory Nerve II.Oculomotor nerve III.Vestibulocochlear nerve ...
- Ascending tracts carry sensory signals up the spinal cord. Sensory signals travel across three neurons ...
- Fibers from vermis cortex sends fibers to medulla nuclei What it is? A. Molecular layer ...
- Yesterday, Ali got injury during standing under coconut tree because a coconut fall on his ...
- Mr Abu found unconscious at home. His wife said Mr Abu was fine before he ...
- Which are the parts of the spinal cord that carry sensory input from the body? ...
- Which nerves control muscles that turn the eyeball up, down and medially as well as ...
- How to examine the cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) ? A. Lumbar puncture B. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ...
- What is consist of filum terminale, roots of lumbar and sacral, coccygeal spinal nerves? ...
- Nerve that cause Bell’s Palsy.... A. Trigeminal V B. Vagus X C. Facial VII ...
- Rostral toward the spinal cord. A. Yes B. No
- Siti has loss of bitter and sour taste. She also unable to swallowing. What nerve ...
- State the phase of cardiac cycle shown in the diagram.
- Bicuspid valve and tricuspid valves are closed during A. Ventricular systole B. Ventricular diastole ...
- State the phase of cardiac cycle shown in the diagram.
- A blockage in a coronary artery can cause a person to suffer a ______________________ ...
- If fatty deposits form inside the coronary artery, the blood flow to the cardiac muscle ...
- Electric instruments that doctors place inside a person's chest to control the heartbeat. A. heart ...
- The heart is made up from A. Epithelial ...
- What is the meaning of coronary heart disease (CHD)? A. A disease of the damage ...
- When the coronary _____ are blocked, blood does not flow as well and coronary artery ...
- State the phase of cardiac cycle shown in the diagram.
- What is the meaning of coronary heart disease (CHD)? A. A disease of the damage ...
- Which blood vessel carries blood from the heart to the kidneys? Only one answer is ...
- The technique of drainage of abscess cavity is by A. Hippocrates method B. Hilton's ...
- A dome shaped swelling in the cheek region is suggestive of A. Deep temporal ...
- Infection involving pair of submandibular, pair of sublingual and submental spaces are referred to as ...
- The infection spreading to bone and marrow spaces is A. Osteomyelitis B. Osteoarthritis ...
- The localized collection of pus is called as A. Cellulitis B. abscess C. Osteomyelitis ...
- Infection from dangerous area of face can rapidly leads to A. Brain abscess ...
- The potential space present behind the muscles of mastication is called as A. Masticator ...
- Which of the following is not a cause of trismus A. Submandibular space infection ...
- The roof of the pterygo mandibular space is formed by A. Medial pterygoid muscle ...
- The space infection which leads to sinus opening near medial canthus of eye is ...
- The enzyme secreted by Streptococcus pyogenes which break protein barriers is A. Streptokinase ...
- The organism implicated in cellulitis is A. Streptococcus mutans B. Streptococcus pyogenes C. Staphylococcus ...
- The word ' phlegmon' means A. Abscess B. Cellulitis C. Space infection D. Haematoma ...
- The organism implicated in dental abscess is A. Streptococcus pyogenes B. Streptococcus mutans ...
- Spread of infection through connective tissue plane is referred to as A. Abscess ...
- What are the layers of the stomach wall? A. Serosa B. Muscularis C. Submucosa ...
- X are the cells that line the lower wall of the ducts and they are ...
- Where Meissner's plexuses is situated? A. Submucosa B. Mucosa C. Muscularis D. Serosa ...
- The stomach can be divided into how many parts? A. 2 B. 3 ...
- Identify the organ in the figure ? A. ...
- The stomach can be divided into how many major histological regions? A. 1 ...
- What is the name of the part of the stomach attached to the esophagus? ...
- The gastric glands of the fundus and body are branched tubular glands, which open into ...
- Which of the following cells that produce hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor large and triangular ...
- How many layers of smooth muscles does the stomach have? A. 1 B. 2 ...
- Where Auerbach's myenteric plexus is situated? A. Muscularis propria B. Lamina propria C. Submucosa ...
- which of the following is Water soluble vitamins A. A B. C C. E ...
- Which of the following vitamins is used to prevent peripheral neuritis in patients of tuberculosis ...
- Which of the following is manifestation of vitamin A deficiency? A. Xerophthalmia B. Peripheral ...
- Which of the following vitamins is given to newborn babies to prevent hemorrhagic disease of ...
- deficiency in (Vitamin K) can Cause: A. Night blindness B. osteomalacia C. rickets ...
- deficiency in (Vitamin D) in adult Causes: A. Night blindness B. osteomalacia C. rickets ...
- which of the following fat solubal Vitamin is a CONTRAINDICATION in Pregnancy: A. Vitamin ...
- deficiency in (Vitamin D) in children Causes: A. Night blindness B. osteomalacia C. rickets ...
- Which of the following diseases can be treated with Niacin (vit B3)? A. Beri ...
- Which of the following diseases can be treated with Vitamin D A. Beri beri ...
- The side effect which primarily limits acceptability of oral iron therapy is A. Black ...
- Which of the following vitamins is used to treat morning sickness in pregnancy A. ...
- Which of the following diseases can be treated with Vitamin C A. Beri beri ...
- Which of the following iron preparations is given intramuscularly? A. Ferrous succinate B. Ferrous ...
- Which of the following S/S of deficiency in (Vitamin A) A. Night blindness ...
- Which of the following diseases can be treated with Thiamine B1 A. Beri beri ...
- Which of the following vitamins cause hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia in high doses? A. Vitamin ...
- Physical fitness is the ability of the person to do daily task without all ...
- Which of the following are the components of physical fitness? A. Strength B. Endurance ...
- The percentage of fat ,bone, water and muscle in human body is called. A. ...
- The ability to move from one point to another in the shortest period of time. ...
- What is the other name of 'Dynamic Strength' ? A. Static strength B. Isotonic ...
- What should be the body fat percentage in women ? A. 5 to 10 ...
- The ability to overcome resistance for longer duration is called : A. Speed ...
- Which of the following is not a part of 'Active Flexibility'? A. Passive Flexibility ...
- What is the another name of synchronisation? A. Co-ordination B. Speed C. Strength ...
- The amount of time it takes to make a physical response. A. Speed ...
- Who said '' Endurance is a resistant for fatigue''? A. Kroles B. Don Hoskins ...
- Which one of these best describes coordination ? A. To change body position quickly ...
- How many components do physical fitness have? A. Four B. Three C. Five ...
- Which organisation believes that, 'Wellness is a state of complete physical ,mental and social well-being ...
- which of the following are the signs of mentally well people ? A. Positive ...
- The percentage of water in the human body is A. 65 B. 70 ...
- Essential for forming hemoglobin in the blood A. Calcium B. Iron C. Phosphorous ...
- How many litres of water everyday our body needs A. 2 to 3 ...
- The disease caused by the deficiency of iodine is A. Anaemia B. Goitre ...
- The mineral which controls the functioning of thyroid is A. Phosphorous B. Calcium ...
- Rickets is caused by deficiency of A. Vitamin B1 B. Vitamin C C. Vitamin ...
- The disease caused by the deficiency of iron is A. Anaemia B. Desentry ...
- The component of food which help our body fight against infections is A. Vitamin ...
- Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of A. Vitamin C B. Vitamin D ...
- Excessive body weight due overnutrition leads to A. Rickets B. Maramus C. Obesity ...
- Which of the following does not contain sugar? A. Apple B. Potato C. Grapes ...
- Foods like pizza, burger and noodles are rich in A. Carbohydrates B. Fats ...
- The food component present in sugar is A. Fats B. Proteins C. Vitamins ...
- Helps to maintain a constant body temperature in our body A. Roughage B. Vitamins ...
- Which one of the following statements is best describes a healthy, active lifestyle? A. ...
- To avoid injury you should: A. warm up before the exercises B. try hard ...
- Which of the following is the benefit for participating in physical activity regularly? A. ...
- Why is drinking water important? A. To keep you awake B. Helps mental and ...
- Potatoes, cakes and bread contain fattening: A. carbohydrates B. proteins C. pork D. fats ...
- What's the function of the calcium in our body? A. It helps you to ...
- Below are 3 ways of reducing stress. Which of these is NOT? A. Exercise ...
- What kind of food is bad for your body? A. carbohydrates B. junk food ...
- Which of these foods typically contains the most protein? A. Cereals with milk ...
- What is nutrition? A. Eating foods that are good for your body B. Foods ...
- It makes you feel cold and shiver then hot and sweaty. Your whole body aches ...
- In the same amount of the following foods, which food provides the most calcium? ...
- A healthy lifestyle can be described as A. Exercise to the point of exhaustion ...
- What food group does rice, pasta and bread belong to? A. Milk group ...
- Which of the following is not the benefit for participating in physical activity regularly? ...
- What are healthy eating behaviors? A. Eat fast B. Eat slow C. Eat while ...
- Which of the following should be consumed the most for an healthy lifestyle? A. ...
- Which of the following is NOT benefit of regular physical activity? A. Helps to ...
- Why is breakfast important A. It's my warm-up for the day and wakes me ...
- Which foods are important for the development of healthy, strong bones? A. Tomatoes, biscuits, ...
- What is obesity? A. Too much body fat B. Eating too much C. Eating ...
- Heart has -----chambers. A. 3 B. 5 C. 4 D. 1
- The heart sends ------------ blood to the lungs. A. deoxygenated blood B. white blood ...
- This is also known as the Tree Pose A. Tadasana B. Vrikshasana C. Trikonasan ...
- The Pulmonary vein carries ______ blood. A. pure blood B. impure blood C. both ...
- Where is the heart located? A. The heart is located between our lungs. ...
- Blood platelets help blood to------------- A. carry oxygen B. form clot and stop bleeding ...
- This blood vessel carries blood from lower part of the body to the heart. ...
- These blood vessels have the thickest wall and carry blood moving at high pressure. ...
- These are flap like structures that prevent blood from flowing back to the body parts. ...
- Define Circulatory System. A. an organ system that permits blood to circulate and transport ...
- Each day human heart pumps approximately ----------- litres of blood A. 5, 000 ...
- Influenza is caused by: A. virus B. bacteria C. parasite D. fungi
- Which pathogen does NOT have DNA? A. fungi B. protist/parasite C. bacteria D. virus ...
- a class of organisms that feed primarily on dead material that can cause illness. ...
- True or False: Asthma is a non-infectious disease? A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Which pathogen has spores that are carried through the air? A. protist/parasite B. fungi ...
- A class of organisms that harm their host by producing toxins that interfere with normal ...
- Strep Throat is caused by: A. virus B. bacteria C. fungi D. parasite
- Vaccines are used to prevent diseases by which type of pathogen? A. virus ...
- Malaria is a common disease in many countries. What type of pathogen is malaria? ...
- Which of the following statements about pathogens is true? A. A pathogen describes anything ...
- Athlete's Foot is caused by: A. fungus B. bacteria C. parasite D. virus
- Sabrina has the flu. Her neighbor suggests she get a prescription for an antibiotic, but ...
- Which type of pathogen is responsible for causing the flu, chicken pox, and yellow fever? ...
- ____________________ is a long cell fiber in the nervous system that transfers messages. A. ...
- ___________________ is the part of the brain responsible for reasoning, and use of the senses. ...
- ____________________ control movement. A. sensory neurons B. motor neurons
- The CNS (central nervous system) is made up of the _______________ & ___________________. A. ...
- ____________________ is the portion of the brain that controls balance. A. cerebrum B. cerebellum ...
- Messages transfer ________________ across the neuron. A. Chemically B. Electrically
- ____________________ are nerve cells. A. neurons B. neurologists C. nephrons D. nephrologists
- Messages transfer ________________ across the synapse. A. Chemically B. Electrically
- The ________________ make(s) up the peripheral nervous system. A. brain B. nerves C. spinal ...
- Injuries to the spinal cord are so serious because ___________ cannot be replaced. A. ...
- ________________ are quick involuntary actions to a stimulus like a hot iron. A. burns ...
- ____________________ is the space between two neurons. A. nerve space B. synapse C. cell ...
- ___________________ is the part of the brain responsible for involuntary breathing & heartbeat. A. ...
- ____________________ is a short branched extension of a neuron that receives impulses from other neurons. ...
- ____________________ control, hunger, thirst, and the five senses. A. motor neurons B. pons ...
- What structure of the body is “A” A. ...
- What is “study of the mechanical laws and their application to living organisms, especially locomotion” ...
- What structure of the body is “B” A. ...
- What does “ST” stand for? A. Normal vision B. Health care worker who examines ...
- What is “study of medicine to relieve pain during surgery” A. Anesthesiology B. Osteopathic ...
- What does “ECG/EKG” stand for? A. Normal vision B. Operating room assistant who is ...
- What does “DO” stand for? A. Physician who emphasize treatment of the overall body ...
- What is “period of training in a specific area under the supervision of a qualified ...
- What does “CST” stand for? A. Health care worker who assist surgeons B. Operating ...
- Fill in the Blank: _________ are medical doctors who diagnose and treat diseases and injuries ...
- What body structure is “E” A. Large intestine ...
- What structure of the body is “C” A. ...
- What body structure is “D” A. Large intestine ...
- What is “period of initial training under the supervision of a qualified practitioner” A. ...
- What is “capacity for sight” A. Acuity B. Internship C. Vision D. Residency
- Once the blood has traveled through the lungs, what structure takes it back to the ...
- ____ means pertaining to the heart. A. Thoracic B. Cranial C. Cardiac D. Osteopathic ...
- When the heart stops working as a pump is known as ___ ___. A. ...
- To get to the aorta from the left ventricle, blood needs to pass through the ...
- To get into the left ventricle, the blood needs to flow through the ____. ...
- After the blood passes through the tricuspid valve, what chamber does it enter? A. ...
- Which structures does blood flow first when it comes back to the heart? A. ...
- This chamber is the first one blood travels through after it gets back to the ...
- A __ sends electrical current to the heart to get a normal rhythm back. ...
- The blood is ___ as it leaves the heart. A. Deoxygenated B. Oxygenated
- A slow heartbeat is known as ____. A. Tachycardia B. Bradycardia C. Accelerated heartrate ...
- The circulation of blood between the heart and lungs is known as ______ circulation. ...
- The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle is known as the _____ valve. ...
- A lifesaving technique that send blood to the brain and organs is called ___. ...
- A heart arrhythmia is a(n) _____ of a normal heartbeat rhythm. A. Absence ...
- What is the first chamber of the heart to receive blood? A. Right Atrium ...
- Our __ is the largest artery in the body, coming from the left ventricle. ...
- What is the first valve that blood flows through? A. Mitral Valve B. Aortic ...
- One of the top chambers of the heart is known as a(n) ___. A. ...
- AFTER passing through the bicuspid valve, the blood is in the ______. A. Right ...
- What is plasma made out of? A. 90% blood B. 90% water C. 90% ...
- What is the function of platelets? A. Platelets create breaks in the blood vessels ...
- What is blood and its function? A. Connective tissue that helps to carry oxygen ...
- Plasma is... A. The reason why our blood is red in colour B. The ...
- What body system is the blood in our bodies a part of? A. Digestive ...
- What do red blood cells do? A. Carry carbon dioxide to the rest of ...
- What are blood vessels? A. Parts of the body that are filled with lots ...
- Veins... A. Are similar to arteries but are stronger B. Are the same as ...
- What are the 4 main blood types? A. A, AA, O, BA B. A, ...
- Arteries... A. Help to carry blood AWAY from the heart B. Help to carry ...
- What are blood transfusions? A. Replacement of lost blood B. Exchanging blood C. Selling ...
- The function of capillaries is... A. To deliver blood from the heart B. To ...
- TRUE or FALSE? White blood cells help to fight off disease and infection. They destroy ...
- TRUE or FALSE? There are 3 types of blood vessels: Arteries, Capillaries, Veins A. ...
- What are the four components within your blood? A. White blood cells, nucleus, hemoglobin, ...
- Increase number of cases in one population A. Out break B. Epidemic C. Pandemic ...
- What is the treatment for bacterial infectious? A. Vaccines B. Albendazol C. Ketoconazol ...
- What infectious deseases is very important to hydrated the patient A. Cholera B. Tuberculosis ...
- How you can prevent the athletes foot A. Use sandals in public places ...
- what is the difference between a flu and Covid A. Body aches B. Runny ...
- How enter the amebas to the digestive system A. Worms B. Eggs C. Mosquito ...
- How are transmitted the infectious diseases A. Contaminated food B. Contaminated water C. Contaminated ...
- What is the prevention for viral infectious? A. Vaccines B. Antibiotics C. Albendazol ...
- Si tu sientes que te pica la colita... A. En una de esas tienes ...
- Diseases produces by pathogens A. Cáncer B. Non infectious disease C. Infectious diseases ...
- How many different types of pathogens are ? A. 3 B. 4 C. 5 ...
- The appearance of more than two cases in one population. A. Out break ...
- How is transmitted the rabies? A. Saliva of infected animal B. Bite of infected ...
- is one of the reason of the antibiotics resistance? A. Brand B. Self prescription ...
- The hygiene is on of the best way to prevent the infectious diseases. A. ...
- What they have in common Zika, dengue, malaria A. All of them are viruses ...
- What is the treatment for parasites infectious? A. Ketoconazol B. Albendazol C. Vaccines ...
- What is the treatment for Fungus infectious? A. Antibiotics B. Albendazol C. Vaccines ...
- When one diseases is common in an specific geographical area. A. Out break ...
- Diseases with cases around the world A. Out break B. Epidemic C. Pandemic ...
- What does the Villi do? A. Digest's food in the stomach B. Produces blood ...
- A bolus... A. helps digest starch B. is a combination of saliva and food ...
- what three things does the digestive system do? A. burns calories, eliminate waste, and ...
- Which type of blood vessel has a one cell thick wall? A. Artery ...
- Which part of your body carries food from your mouth to your stomach? A. ...
- Peristalsis: a series of wave-like muscle contractions that moves food to different processing stations in ...
- Diffusion is..... A. something that makes the room smell nice. B. the movement of ...
- The smallest type of blood vessel is the: A. nerve B. vein C. capillary ...
- Which component of blood 'carries' oxygen? A. White blood cell B. Plasma C. Red ...
- The air sacs that are covered with capillaries where gas exchange takes place A. ...
- The two main branches from the trachea (one to each lung) A. bronchi ...
- The circulatory system is made up of.. A. heart, blood, capillaries B. heart, blood, ...
- Enzymes break down starch into simple sugars. Is this an example of chemical or physical ...
- What is the main function of the respiratory system? A. to provide oxygen and ...
- Which blood vessels carries blood away from the heart? A. Arteries B. Veins ...
- How many chambers does the heart have? A. 4 B. 6 C. 2
- Which is the function of the Circulatory system? A. The system fights diseases, has ...
- Which is Metaphase? A. A B. E ...
- The structure of coiled DNA and proteins that forms in the cells nucleus prior to ...
- During which stage of the cell cycle does the cell spend a majority of its ...
- The chromosomes that pair up during meiosis, are called __________ chromosomes. A. homozygous ...
- Put the stages of mitosis in the correct order. A. prophase - metaphase - ...
- What is another reason we need meiosis? A. So the offspring has genes from ...
- Which phase comes NEXT? A. prophase B. metaphase ...
- Which process and type of resulting cells are represented?
- What type of cells have not begun to differentiate into specialized cells? A. gametes ...
- The cells produced via meiosis are called: A. sex cells B. somatic cells ...
- Before cell reproduction takes place, what is the correct sequence of events that must occur? ...
- Meiosis makes sperm and egg cells. In humans, sperm and egg cells each have _____ ...
- Identify the phase of mitosis A. prophase B. ...
- Crossing over helps promote A. male genotype B. genetic variation C. DNA replication ...
- Meiosis results in A. two unique daughter cells B. four identical daughter cells ...
- Which of the following describes the purpose of the mitosis cell cycle? A. To ...
- How does cytokinesis differ in plant and animal cells? A. Cytokinesis only takes place ...
- Aldosterone 醛固酮 is secreted in A. Pituitary gland B. Pancreas C. Adrenal cortex ...
- Starting from which point, the concentration of insulin in the blood begins to rise ...
- Which of the following describes the similarity between the nervous system and the endocrine system? ...
- Excessive secretion of insulin can cause the blood glucose level to be too low. This ...
- Growth hormone (GH) 生长激素 acts directly on the bone and soft tissues. The function of ...
- The image shows a patient who suffers from goitre. The ______________ of the patient ...
- Which of the following is NOT secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland? ...
- Progesterone 孕酮 is secreted by A. Testis 睾丸 B. Pancreas 胰腺 C. Ovary 卵巢 ...
- Glycogen 糖原 is converted into glucose and released into the blood with the effect of ...
- The photo shows the shortest and the tallest man in the world. The difference ...
- The endocrine glands are ductless glands. Therefore, the hormones are secreted directly into the blood ...
- The formation of placenta 胎盘 is stimulated by A. Testosterone 睾酮 B. Oestrogen 雌激素 ...
- Why is the pituitary gland considered the main gland of the endocrine system? A. ...
- In a fight or flight situation, the hypothalamus transmits nerve impulses directly to the _____________ ...
- The hypothalamus secretes ________ which stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete FSH 促卵泡激素 and LH ...
- A diabetes mellitus patient has a high blood sugar level. A possible reason of ...
- Which hormone increases the level of sugar in the blood, the rate of metabolism and ...
- Which gland is the main gland of the endocrine system? A. Thyroid gland 甲状腺 ...
- Hypothyroidism is caused by _____________ thyroxine secretion, whereas hyperthyroidism is caused by ___________ thyroxine secretion. ...
- Which of the following is NOT a function of LH 黄体生成素 against the ovary 卵巢? ...
- Which of the following is NOT a function of hormones? A. Reproduction B. Immunity ...
- Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of hormones? A. Transported in blood ...
- Besides Growth Hormone (GH) secreted by the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland, which hormone ...
- Which hormone reduces blood glucose level and promotes the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen ...
- It is a living (connective) tissue capable of changing its structure. A. Bone ...
- Consist of a trabecular and spongy bone. A. Compact B. Cancellous C. Flat Bone ...
- During the growing phase, diaphysis is separated from epiphysis by an _______? A. Epiphyseal ...
- Lies adjacent to the epiphyseal cartilage. A. Diaphysis B. Epiphysis C. Metaphysis D. Bone ...
- What are the different types of bones. A. Long bone, Compact, Irregular bone, Flat ...
- Includes all the bones along the body's long axis: Composed of the skull, auditory ...
- Irregular bones are found in the? A. Carpal bone, tarsal B. Frontal and parietal ...
- - Composed of cancellous bones - Surrounded by a compact bone A. Long ...
- - Cubodial in shape, - Covered with periosteum A. Long Bones B. Flat Bones ...
- A thick layer of fibrous tissue that cover all bone surfaces. A. Arachnoid ...
- - Composed of a thin shell of compact bone - Inferior made of cancellous bones ...
- Consists of the bones of the upper limbs, the lower limbs, and the girdles. ...
- Usually at the ends of the bone . A. Diaphysis B. Epiphysis C. Metaphysis ...
- - Function is to reduce friction on the tendon - Alter the direction of the ...
- The ends of long bones are composed of _______ surrounded by a thin layer of________? ...
- The tubular shaft, compact bone A. Diaphysis B. Epiphysis C. Metaphysis D. Bone marrow ...
- Composed of thin layer of cancellous bone (diploe) A. Long Bones B. Flat Bones ...
- Longitudinal in shape A. Long Bones B. Flat Bones C. Short Bones D. Sesamoid ...
- Appears as a solid mass (forms a shell around cancellous bone) A. Compact ...
- Valves in veins A. support them B. protect them C. prevent the backward movement ...
- The thickest and strongest blood vessel is the A. vein B. artery C. capillary ...
- The main artery in the heart is the A. aorta B. vena cava ...
- Which of the following is NOT a type of blood vessel? A. Artery ...
- What is the function of capillaries? A. Transports deoxygenated blood B. Transport oxygenated blood ...
- What is the function (job) of the white blood cells? A. To transport oxygen ...
- How many chambers does the heart have ? A. 4 B. 6 ...
- Which blood vessels take blood TO the heart? A. Veins B. Arteries C. Capillaries ...
- What causes the blood to be the distinct red colour? A. Heamaglobin B. Glucose ...
- Why plants become wilt? A. Less water evaporate from the plants B. The plant ...
- What organ does the blood flow to in order to pick up Oxygen? A. ...
- What carries oxygen around the body? A. Plasma B. Red Blood Cells C. Platelets ...
- What takes blood back to the heart? A. arteries B. veins C. capillaries
- How are arteries and veins different? A. One is bigger than the other. ...
- Name this part. A. Right ventricle ...
- Which blood vessels take blood AWAY from the heart? A. Veins B. Arteries ...
- Which blood vessel has valves to prevent the back-flow of blood? A. Veins ...
- Vascular tissue that transports water and minerals UPWARDS from a plant's roots is know as ...
- When you go to the doctor and they want to see how hard your heart ...
- Which of the following indicates the pathway of water through a plant? A. root ...
- What is described as a 'waste product' of blood? A. oxygen B. carbon dioxide ...
- Root hairs help in absorption of water by A. increasing the surface area ...
- The function of transpiration is to transport _______ and ____________ from the roots to the ...
- Plant absorbs water through the _________. A. stem B. roots C. leaves D. all ...
- How do plants get their energy? A. through a reaction called chlorophyll B. by ...
- Separates the chambers of the heart. A. Septum B. Veins C. aortic valve
- Where are the two easiest places to find your pulse? A. foot and leg ...
- What is the function (job) of the platelets? A. To form clots (i.e. scabs) ...
- What is Heart Rate? A. The number of times your heart beats. B. The ...
- Controls hearing and smell A. Frontal Lobe B. Temporal Lobe C. Occipital Lobe ...
- Conditioned reflexes involve A. An immediate response because your body should know how to ...
- The membranes covering the brain and spinal cord are the _________. A. thalamus ...
- The parietal lobe controls __________. A. Vision B. Problem Solving C. Memory D. Sense ...
- Without the ____ the two sides of our brain couldn't communicate. A. Frontal Lobe ...
- Which letter represents the Thoracic Region of the spinal cord and vertebral column? ...
- What is protected by the vertebral column? A. Ligaments B. Spinal cord C. Muscles ...
- What tissue is not innervated by the autonomic nervous system? A. Glands B. Skeletal ...
- The spinal cord passes through the __________. A. foramen ovale B. foramen magnum ...
- Which of the following transmits information from the spinal cord to the extremities of the ...
- How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? A. 31 B. 30 C. 12 ...
- What is the fluid in the space between the meninges that acts as a shock ...
- Innervate skin and blood vessels of the head A. somatic B. autonomic C. sympathetic ...
- Reflex actions are important because A. They provide a quick, involuntary response B. They ...
- what controls your balance ?! A. thalamus B. cerebellum C. basal ganglia ...
- Which of the following is the characteristics of somatic motor pathway?
- What part of the eye is a clear protective structure that allows light to enter ...
- In a cross section of the spinal cord, the peripheral ventral white portion consists of ...
- In a reflex arc, the sensory neuron leads to the ___________ and the motor neuron ...
- Given these components of a reflex: 1. association neuron 2. skeletal muscle 3. afferent ...
- What does the sclera do? A. protects the eye B. helps the eye focus ...
- Which part of the eye is the outer white part of the eye? A. ...
- The fight or flight response during threatening situations in the role of the: A. ...
- What is the neuron found only in the spinal cord? A. Relay B. Sensory ...
- Controls behaviors (hunger, thirst, sleep, body temperature) through the release of hormones. A. hypothalamus ...
- An effector is also known as a ____________ to an action A. Stimulus ...
- There is one pair of _____nerves. A. lumbar B. cranial C. sacral D. coocygeal ...
- Which of the following is TRUE of the parasympathetic nervous system? A. It decreases ...
- What part of the eye sits on the outer surface of the cornea and lines ...
- A student traces the path of a ray through a glass prism for four different ...
- Type of lens used in correction of hypermetropia A. concave lens B. reflecting lens ...
- Least distance of distinct vision for normal eye is A. 25 cm B. 50 ...
- Type of lens used in correction of myopia A. convex lens B. concave lens ...
- Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow? ...
- The splitting of white light into its component colours is called A. refraction ...
- Twinkling of stars is due to atmospheric A. dispersion of light by water droplets ...
- The focal length of the eye lens increases when eye muscles A. are relaxed ...
- Crystalline lens of people at old age becomes milky and cloudy. This condition is called ...
- When light rays enter the eye, most of the refraction occurs at the A. ...
- A student sitting on the last bench can read the letters written on the blackboard ...
- A dark muscular membrane which controls size of pupil A. eye B. iris ...
- Which of the following statement is correct? A. A person with myopia can see ...
- Myopia may arise due to A. (a)excessive curvature of the eye lens B. (b)elongation ...
- Reason behind advance sunrise and delayed sunset A. atmospheric refraction B. total internal reflection ...
- What should students do before they write a letter? A. take a deep breath ...
- Which is NOT a part of a daily ALT (Academic Language Therapy) lesson (buckets)? ...
- Which is NOT included in a lesson? A. focus/goal B. closure C. surprises ...
- What is a student lacking who has dyslexia? A. phonological awareness B. a brain ...
- What does fluency include? A. rate, accuracy, and frustration B. rate, inaccuracy, and expression/intonation ...
- Which is NOT essential for a successful reading intervention A. working without taking a ...
- Which is NOT an example of what to say when you teach cursive strokes? ...
- Which word goes with not traditionally taught, all rules are taught explicitly, and there are ...
- What is a vowel? A. A vowel is open mouth and voiced. B. A ...
- Which is NOT a type of syllable? A. open B. closed C. tongue wagging ...
- What is the smallest unit of speech called? A. grapheme B. phoneme C. syllable ...
- During Concepts when should we use the Linkage Procedure? A. only during concepts of ...
- Who are two important people who influence how we should help students with dyslexia? ...
- What is the symbol - called? A. breve B. minus sign C. negative symbol ...
- The Floss Rule states that the word has to be a one syllable base word, ...
- Which is usually a strength for kids with dyslexia? A. vocabulary/comprehension B. phonemic awareness ...
- Choose the answer that is a true statement. A. A child can have both ...
- What is the ultimate goal with teaching cursive handwriting? A. easy to write and ...
- What is linked together during the new concept of a letter? A. name, shape, ...
- Which vocabulary word is NOT used in alphabet knowledge? A. final letter B. silent ...
- A therapeutic diet is a meal plan that controls the intake of certain foods or ...
- Normal weight is classified as which of the following by WHO A. BMI of ...
- Which do you want the most of in your diet? A. Protein B. Sugar ...
- Which of the following is considered a bad fat? A. Monosaccharide B. Unsaturated fat ...
- Tube feeding is a type of A. Nutritional modification B. Texture modification C. Food ...
- What is Dysphagia A. Difficulty smelling food ...
- Cholecystectomy means A. removal of liver B. removal of kidney C. removal of gallbladder ...
- True or False. All cholesterol is bad for you. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- What kind of diseases can a therapeutic diet help with ? A. Cardiovascular disease, ...
- The patient with Irritable Bowel Syndrome must include A. high fiber diet B. low ...
- True or False. Carbohydrates are necessary to build muscle and other body parts. A. ...
- This nutrient helps keep your bones and teeth strong A. vitamins B. carbohydrates ...
- Therapeutic diet refers to A. diabetes B. food allergies C. the use of diet ...
- Which do you want the least amount of in your diet? A. Protein ...
- Which of the following describes therapeutic foods? A. Prepared foods that provide calories and ...
- Who may order or plan a therapeutic diet? A. dietitian B. pharmacist C. your ...
- What pushes food from the mouth to the stomach? A. Stomach B. Gall bladder ...
- The total amount of energy released when one gram of food is oxidised completely is ...
- What produces chemicals that break down fats, starches and proteins? A. Pulmonary artery ...
- What produces the bile used to break down fats? A. Liver B. Large Intestine ...
- Which of the following process do not take place in the colon of the human ...
- Protein is broken down into ______________ before they are asborbed into the small intestines. ...
- What churns food and breaks it down further using strong acids? A. Stomach ...
- Which of the following enzymes digests proteins? A. Trypsin B. Lipase C. Peptidases ...
- • Pepsin • Trypsin • Erepsin All these three enzymes are involved in the ...
- The enzymes secreted by pancreas are pancreatic amylase, lipase and .............................. A. erepsin ...
- Which vessel brings nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor blood from the small intestines to the liver? A. ...
- Function of parietal cells in gastric gland is to ............. A. secrete pepsinogen ...
- Fatty acids and glycerol will be absorbed through epithelial cells into .............. A. lacteal ...
- Which of the following is not an example of assimilation? A. Amino acids are ...
- What begins the process of chemical breakdown? A. Liver B. Salivary glands C. Colon ...
- What begins the process of mechanical breakdown? A. the mouth B. the esophagus ...
- The diagram shows the human alimentary canal. Which of the organs are related to digestion ...
- What is the function of bile? A. digests fats B. emulsifies fats C. accumulates ...
- What stores bile? A. Colon B. Gall Bladder C. Small Intestine
- Which of the following explains digestion? A. It is the process of breaking down ...
- physical digestion involves chewing and ............ A. enzyme reactions B. peristalsis C. decomposition process ...
- Which of the following are true for bile? I Prepares acid medium for action ...
- Which one is not true about function of liver? A. detoxification B. storage of ...
- All the following treatment measures are used in the management of generalised edema except for ...
- The pathophysiology of edema involves the following forces A. hydrostatic pressure B. oncotic pressure ...
- Acute Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis is common in this age group A. 0-2 years ...
- The glomerular pathology that leads to Nephrotic syndrome is A. reduced perfusion pressure in ...
- The antibiotics of choice in the eradication of the streptococcus in Post Streptococcus GN is ...
- All these are the complications of Acute Post Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis except for A. acute ...
- The pathophysiology of generalised edema in liver failure is A. Hypoalbuminemia B. esophageal varices ...
- The acute renal failure in Post Streptoccal GN is due to A. rapidly reducing ...
- The following statements are true about Post Streptococcus GN except A. infection in the ...
- Treatment of Acute Post Strep GN includes all these except A. Antihypertensive B. Diuretics ...
- Eating fibre rich food helps in prevent A. constipation B. high blood pressure ...
- A common passage for food and air A. esophagus B. stomach C. duodenum ...
- The finger like structure present between small intestine and large intestine is A. villi ...
- Mucus is a sticky present in A. pancreatic juice B. bile juice C. intestinal ...
- _____________________________ juice helps in emulsification of fats. A. Gastric juice B. Pancreatic juice ...
- The breaking of fat into small globules is A. digestion B. ingestion C. emulsification ...
- Nutrition in human beings A. autotrophic B. heterotrophic C. holozoic D. none
- Largest gland in human body is A. Salivary glands B. Pancreas C. Liver ...
- The greenish vomit due to overeating is called A. ulcer B. constipation C. liverish ...
- The enzyme present in saliva A. pepsin B. trypsin C. lipase D. amylase
- The undigested food is sent out of the body through A. rectum B. anus ...
- Enzymes in the bile juice A. amylase B. trypsin C. pepsin D. no enzymes ...
- The liver and pancreas send their secretions into A. stomach B. duodenum C. small ...
- Final products of carbohydrates A. amino acids B. fatty acids and glycerol C. glucose ...
- End products of protein digestion A. glucose B. fatty acid and glycerol C. amino ...
- The enzyme that acts on carbohydrates A. pepsin B. trypsin C. lipase D. amylase ...
- Dil HCl is present in A. saliva B. gastric juice C. bile juice ...
- What is the type of immunisation shows by the diagram
- Many times people visit the doctor requesting antibiotics to treat colds and viral infections. How ...
- Like all other body systems, the immune system helps the body maintain homeostasis. Which statement ...
- When is the time body received second vaccine injection?
- All foreign materials that cause a response from the immune system are called _____________________. ...
- Where are white blood cells made? A. Bone marrow B. Red Blood Cells ...
- Why might you become ill after visiting a friend who is sick with the flu? ...
- When foreign material enters the body, one way the immune system responds is by ...
- What is the body's first line of defense against disease? A. skin B. blood ...
- A 3 month old baby contracts a virus called whooping cough (pertussis) after receiving the ...
- When you are immune to a disease this means: A. You can get the ...
- What is the function of antibodies within the immune system? A. Antibodies kill off ...
- What is a hybridoma cell? A. A particular antibody B. A B lymphocyte fused with ...
- What type of cells are removed from a mouse to make monoclonal antibodies? A. ...
- Which of the following statements about monoclonal antibody production is true? A. B cell ...
- What part of pathogens do antibodies bind to? A. antigen B. antitoxin C. phagocyte ...
- How are monoclonal antibodies produced? A. Taken from bone marrow B. From a clone ...
- What is a hybridoma cell? A. A particular antibody B. A B lymphocyte fused with ...
- What is the first stage of producing monoclonal antibodies? A. Stimulating mouse lymphocytes to ...
- What are Monoclonal antibodies ? A. An antibody produced by the body. B. An ...
- What are antibodies made of? A. Carbohydrate B. Protein C. Polysacchiaride D. Lipid
- What do monoclonal antibodies on pregnancy test kits bind with? A. An antibody ...
- Communicable diseases can be spread by....? A. People B. People, places & things ...
- Define Disease. A. the result of an infection when signs and symptoms appear ...
- Young mammals receive antibodies in their mother's milk. This is an example of which type ...
- Athlete's foot is an example of this pathogen A. Bacteria B. Virus C. Fungus ...
- A viral infection that affects our respiratory system. A. Cold B. Influenza C. Measles ...
- Something that makes a person more likely to get a disease is? A. Immunity ...
- What is an organism that carries or transmits pathogens to humans or other animals ...
- Which pathogen causes the cold A. Bacteria B. Protozoa C. The flu D. Virus ...
- Which of the following descriptions is correct? A. Vaccination gives long-term protection, immunisation gives ...
- One characteristic that distinguishes a virus from a bacteria is that a virus A. ...
- What is a communicable disease? A. A disease that is NOT contagious B. A ...
- A range of diseases characterized by the presence of abnormal cells that divide uncontrollably. These ...
- Lack of Iron causes _________ A. Osteoporosis B. Goitre C. Anaemia D. Beri Beri ...
- An inherited disease that causes severe damage to the lungs and digestive system. A. ...
- A disorder that causes bones to become weak. The weak bones can lead to breaks. ...
- Which of these is not a risk from smoking A. heart attack B. cancer ...
- Non communicable diseases are mainly caused due to A. improper hygiene B. an improper ...
- Which of these is the main cause of type 2 diabetes A. smoking ...
- There are a variety of causes of this communicable disease, including diet, lack of exercise, ...
- A diet poor in protein results in: A. Rickets B. Gotire C. BeriBeri ...
- In type 2 diabetes your body does not produce the correct amount of.... A. ...
- Beri Beri is a deficiency disease of _____________________ A. Vitamin A B. Vitamin B ...
- Lack of Vitamin A causes _________ A. Night blindness B. Goitre C. Rickets ...
- work together to support a particular area of life A. Organ Systems B. Cellular Systems ...
- The role of these specialized cells is to help fight off infection and foreign bodies. ...
- The proteins and lipids, essential for building the cell membrane, are manufactured by: A. Endoplasmic ...
- What cells carry electrical signals? A. Red Blood Cells B. Palisade Cells C. Sperm cells ...
- What type of muscle tissue is VOLUNTARILY controlled A. Skeletal Only B. Skeletal and Cardiac ...
- protective barrier A. Epithelial tissue B. Muscle Tissue C. Nerve Tissue
- Plastid that is colourless is- A. Chromoplast B. Leucoplast C. Chloroplast D. Lysosome
- a grouping of two or more types of tissue that performs a specific function that ...
- Which muscles act involuntarily? (i) Striated muscles (ii) Smooth muscles (iii) Cardiac muscles (iv) Skeletal ...
- Which is the main constituent of cell wall? A. Cellulose B. Pectin C. Starch ...
- Phloem and Xylem are: A. Simple permanent tissue B. Complex permanent tissue C. Vascular tissue ...
- What do prokaryotic cells lack? A. Cell membrane B. Cytoplasm C. Cell wall D. Membrane ...
- Which structure is found only in eukaryotic cells? A. DNA B. Phospholipid membrane C. Nuclear ...
- Guard cells and stoma are found in which part of the plant? A. Parenchyma ...
- Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. The word cell is derived from ...
- Which structures are found in plant cells, but not in animal cells? A. Cell membranes ...
- This type of cell carries oxygen throughout the body. A. gamete B. platelet C. white ...
- What is the function of the cell membrane, in ALL living organisms? A. Provides support ...
- What is the function of the structures shown on these two cells?
- What is an example of connective tissue? A. Bones B. Muscle C. Neuroglia D. Stomach ...
- Select the incorrect sentence. (a) Blood has matrix containing proteins, salts and hormones. (b) ...
- It protects the eye from sweat. A. iris B. eyebrow C. eyelashes D. retina
- Then the patterns get turned into what? A. zig zags B. images C. patterns
- Which controls the amount of light entering the eyes. It also give the eye its ...
- It controls the amount of light that enters the pupil. A. iris B. retina ...
- It lets light enter the eye A. iris B. retina C. pupil
- Your eyes main job is to detect patterns of what? A. dark B. light ...
- Name the pointed part of the eye. A. ...
- Name the pointed part of the eye. A. ...
- It forms an upside-down image. A. iris B. retina C. pupil
- Name the pointed part of the eye. A. ...
- Pupil A. Focuses light B. Clear tissue that covers the front of the eye ...
- Vision depends on what organ as well as your eyes? A. eyes B. brain ...
- It changes light into signals or messages. A. iris B. retina C. pupil
- Lens A. Clear tissue that covers the eye B. Opening of the eye C. Focuses ...
- To become larger or rounder in size. A. to faint B. to swell C. to ...
- I get a sharp pain in my back when I bend or twist my body. ...
- My body is covered in a red rash and my skin is quite itchy. I ...
- I keep sneezing. My nose is runny and sometimes I get a cough. I think ...
- When your head feels funny and you think you might fall down. A. fine ...
- I have a tickle in my throat. When I do this a lot, it hurts ...
- When stuff is coming out of your nose and won't stop. A. bloody nose ...
- I can’t breathe easily through my nose. It feels blocked. What do you call this? ...
- I feel like I can’t stand up, everything is spinning around me. I feel ____________. ...
- When you feel like you might throw up. A. ill B. nausea C. a sore ...
- A lot of small red spots on the skin and it itches. A. diarrhea ...
- My body feels very hot, I need to have lots of water and take some ...
- To lose consciousness for a short time. A. to cough B. to sprain C. to ...
- I have to keep running to the toilet. I feel pain in my tummy. I ...
- _________ are diseases that can be transmitted from one person to another A. Non communicable ...
- __________ causes typhoid A. Bacteria B. Protozoa C. Fungi
- The following are ways diseases spread except __________ A. By direct contact B. By insects ...
- A medicine that can give you immunity to a disease is called a __________. ...
- This is a treatment that makes the body stronger against infections and diseases. A. host ...
- Diseases that are not spread from person to person are called this. A. communicable ...
- Fungi cause skin infection A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Sources of Vitamin C include the following except A. Amla B. Orange C. Beans
- The flu is caused by a ______________. A. bacteria B. virus C. fungi
- This protects our bodies from bacteria and viruses and includes white blood cells and antibodies ...
- Garbage should be covered because A. it falls on the road. B. flies breed over ...
- Which among these are pathogen A. viruses, bacteria, fungi B. viruses, bacteria, and infections
- Culture is defined as the parameters of behavior. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- The ecological perspective of the total environment of a child looks at all of the ...
- _______helps a teacher establish and maintain a healthy environment. A. Health and wellness promotion ...
- The consistency of caregiving and emotional investment on the part of a teacher has a ...
- Genetics, heredity, and the child’s home all represent the _____ environment. A. social and emotional ...
- The quality of peer relationships may be an indicator of mental and emotional health in ...
- Diversity in a classroom is the result of A. different cultures B. family composition ...
- A child who is able to have and maintain close emotional connections is not likely ...
- Good physical care is important to support healthy development. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- A holistic approach deals with the interrelationship of health, safety, and nutrition. A. TRUE ...
- The second step in preparing for cultural competence is for the teacher to A. value ...
- Healthy development is more than an absence of disease. A. TRUE B. FALSE
- Family health attitudes may relate directly to culture A. TRUE B. FALSE
- The key to high-quality early childhood education is most likely to come from the ...
- Practices for maintaining the cultural values of children in care should not be an issue ...
- A good early childhood education environment that uses a holistic approach always A. uses inexpensive ...
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