Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

What is Dysphagia

A. Difficulty smelling food

B. Difficulty swallowing food

C. Difficulty drinking medication

D. Difficulty breathing

Select your answer:


The Digestive System The Nervous System Year 7 Nutrition Stem Cells & Cell Differentiation Breathing System Bacteria & Viruses Bacteria and Viruses Medical Terminology Gastroinestinal Gastroenterology Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Sensory Disorder Head and Neck Anatomy Terms for The Skeletal System Urinary Defence against Infectious Diseases Histology: Cell & Epithelial Tissue

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Smoking Related Diseases › View

Which smoking related disease is associated with reduced gas exchange?

A. Lung cancer

B. Bronchitis

C. Emphysema

D. Heart disease

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders › View

Name the 3 transmission routes of infection for pneumonia

A. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)

B. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)

C. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Toxic inhalations

D. 1. Aspiration
2. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)