Medical Quiz

Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Quiz

Name the 3 transmission routes of infection for pneumonia

A. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)

B. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)

C. 1. Aspiration
2. Sepsis
3. Toxic inhalations

D. 1. Aspiration
2. Inhalation (airborne pathogen)
3. Hematogenous spread (from a primary infection in the blood)

Select your answer:


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_____ kill or stop the growth of germs

A. Antibodies

B. Vaccines

C. Antibiotics

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Why is fat an important part of our diet?

A. Because it tastes good

B. Because it carries so much energy

C. Because it contains nutrients you can’t get from anything else

D. Because it contain oxygen atoms