Medical Quiz

Joints in our Body Quiz

We can take care of the joints by

A. eating healthy food and maintaining ideal body weight

B. not underusing or over using them

C. regular exercise

D. all of the above

Select your answer:


Diet Skin Growth -ology Molecular Genetics Blood Pathology Illness and Symptoms Eye Histology Diseases of The Nervous System Surgical Nutrition Health - Nutrition Bacteria & Disease Microbial Growth Pathophysiology_Endocrine Doctor Equipments DNA Structure and Function

Other quiz:

Pain Management › View

Maximum dose of Gabapentin is _____mg/day

A. 2400

B. 3600

C. 600

D. 1200

Molecular Basis of Inheritance › View

The process of transformation is not affected by which of the following enzymes?

a) DNase
b) RNase
c) Peptidase
d) Lipase

A. A, B

B. A, B, C, D

C. B, C, D

D. A, B, C