Medical Quiz

Transportation Quiz

What is Heart Rate?

A. The number of times your heart beats.

B. The number of times your heart beats per minute.

C. The maximum amount of times your heart should be.

D. The amount of times your heart should beat while exercising.

Select your answer:


Viruses and Prions Blood Histology - Tissues Entomology Cells Thyroid Gland Nervous System and Special Senses Immunity and Vaccines Mutations Breathing System Obstructive Lung Disease Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis Biocomposite Organ Senses and Locomotor System The Brain

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Positive inotropic medications work by

A. increasing the force of ventricular contraction

B. increasing the conduction speed in the AV node

C. increasing the heart rate

D. decreasing the conduction speed in the AV node

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need to give a second injection

A. Artificial Active Immunity

B. Natural Passive Immunity

C. Natural Active immunity