Medical Quiz

Endocrinology Quiz

A steroid hormone acts inside the cell: 

A. True 

B. False

Select your answer:


3M Micropara Medicinal use of Microorganisims Philosophy Pathology Introduction Cell Injury Biology Assessment Hazards & Risks Musculoskeletal Diseases Muscle Tissues Bacteria & Disease The Vascular System and Blood Flow Prehabilitation and Conditioning Fats And Oil General Anatomy Proteins Immunity in Humans

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Surgery classification based on the degree of urgency is considered emergent if it is scheduled within 24 to 30 hours.



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Why do 14-year-olds face more peer pressure than 8-year-olds?

A. 8-year-olds don’t have groups of friends; 14-year-olds do

B. 8-year-olds spend less time with their friends than 14-year-olds

C. 8-year-olds aren’t tempted to try risky behaviors; 14-year-olds are

D. 8-year-olds go to bed earlier than 14-year-olds