Medical Quiz

Endocrine System Quiz

Which of the following is NOT a function of LH 黄体生成素 against the ovary 卵巢?

A. Stimulate ovulation

B. Stimulate the development of corpus luteum 黄体

C. Stimulate the secretion of oestrogen 雌激素 and progesterone 黄体酮

D. Stimulate the secretion of testosterone 睾酮

Select your answer:


Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Circulatory & Respiratory Disease and Immunity 3M Micropara Hearing Impairment Diseases Nervous System/Endocrine System Division of Microbiology Understanding Psychology Nervous System Cosmetology Anatomy Health and Diseases Cardiovascular and Respiratory Leaves Pulmonary Edema and CHF Contemporary Nutrition Issues

Other quiz:

Psychopathology › View

In the worry circuit explanation of OCD, which brain region sends ‘worry’ signals to the thalamus?

A. hippocampus

B. hypothalamus



The Cardiovascular System: Blood Vessels and Hemodynamics › View

Which of the following represents pulmonary circulation as the blood flows from the right ventricle?

A. pulmonary trunk -pulmonary veins- pulmonary capillaries-pulmonary arteries

B. pulmonary arteries- pulmonary capillaries- pulmonary trunk- pulmonary veins

C. pulmonary capillaries- pulmonary trunk-pulmonary arteries-pulmonary veins.

D. pulmonary trunk- pulmonary arteries-pulmonary capillaries- pulmonary veins.