Medical Quiz

Transportation Quiz

What is the function of capillaries?

A. Transports deoxygenated blood

B. Transport oxygenated blood

C. Site for exchange of materials

Select your answer:


Axial & Appendicular Skeleton The Brain Eczema The Ankle and Lower Leg Bones and Muscles Cell Enzymes Physiology PHE Bones Anatomy Introduction to Pharmacology Macromolecules & Enzymes Upper Limb Circulatory System Health and The Environment

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Human Physiology › View

Trachea divides at the ________

A. 5th thoracic vertebrae

B. 5th lumbar vertebrae

C. 5th cervical vertebrae

D. 6th thoracic vertebrae

Non-infectious Disease › View

Can you have correlation without causation?

A. Yes

B. No