Medical Quiz

Upper Limb Quiz


Which is the most commonly fractured carpal bone?

A. Scaphoid

B. Triquetrum

C. Trapezoid

D. Capitate

The bones that make up the wrist are called?

A. Metatarsals

B. Metacarpals

C. Tarsals

D. Carpals

What surface of the hand is in contact with the IR when performing a lateral projection of the wrist?

A. Medial Surface

B. Lateral Surface

C. It free floats to enable good magnification and SID

How many bones make up the wrist?

A. there’s no bones in wrist just joints

B. two rows of four bones each

C. three rows of five bones each

D. four rows of three bones

A general positioning rule is to place the long axis of the part ____ to the long axis of the image receptor.

A. Oblique for better positioning

B. Parrallel

C. Parrallel and perpendicular

D. It’s this one.. trust me

True or False: The ulna is located in the medial side and follows the 5th digit.



C. the ulna follows thumb

How should the original analog kVp range be changed with a fiberglass cast applied for a wrist or forearm radiographic procedure?

A. Decrease 3 to 4 kVp

B. Increase 3 to 4 kVp.

C. Increase the mAs to change the kVp

D. No change needed

A radiograph of the elbow demonstrates the radius directly superimposed over the ulna and the coronoid process in profile. Which projection of the elbow has been performed?

A. PA (external) rotation acute

B. AP with medial rotation

C. AP no rotation

D. Medial (internal) rotation oblique

Identify the total number of phalangies in the hand.

A. 3

B. 12

C. 14

D. 27

Joints between two phalanges are known as?

A. Interphalangeal Joint



D. Fibula Cartilage

A patient with a fractured forearm had the fracture reduced and a fiberglass cast placed on the extremity. The orthopedic surgeon orders a postreduction study. The original (analog) kVp was 60 kVp. Which one of the following kVp factors should be selected for the postreduction study?

A. 1000kVp

B. 80mAs

C. 63 kVp

D. use inverse square law for new kVp

What is the name of the joint found between the proximal and distal phalanges of the first digit?





A radiograph of an AP oblique elbow with medial rotation reveals that the radial head is superimposed over part of the coronoid process. What positioning error has been committed?

A. Insufficient medial rotation

B. I didn’t study enough to know :'(

C. Excessive medial rotation

D. Excessive lateral rotation

Where is the CR centered for a PA projection of the hand?

A. At the third metatarsophalangeal joint

B. At the third metacarpophalangeal joint

C. At the Second MCP joint

D. At the Second MTP joint

What surface of the the hand is in contact with the IR when performing a PA projection of the wrist?

A. Medial Surface

B. Anterior Surface

C. Posterior Surface

D. Lateral Surface

What is the total number of bones that make up the hand and wrist?

A. 27

B. 14

C. 3

D. 28

How many carpal bones are found in the wrist?

A. 3

B. 27

C. 7

D. 8

Grids are generally not required unless the anatomy measures greater than _____ cm in thickness

A. Grids are never required for x-rays

B. 10cm

C. 15 ft

D. 10in

Which routine projection of the elbow best demonstrates the olecranon process in profile?

A. Oblique


C. Lateral

D. Medial

From a pronated position, which of the following is required for a PA oblique projection of the fourth digit of the hand?

A. Hand should be supinated

B. No rotation is needed

C. 45-degree lateral rotation

D. 45-degree medial rotation

A radiograph of a PA projection of the hand reveals that the distal radius and ulna and the carpals were cut off. What should the technologist do to correct this problem?

A. Repeat the PA projection to include all the carpals and about 1 inch (2.5cm) of the distal radius and ulna.

B. Do the AP instead

C. Increase the CR angel caudad

D. Nothing, this is an acceptable image

What two bony landmarks are palpated for positioning of the AP elbow?

A. Corocoid and olecranon process

B. Humeral malleoli

C. Humeral epicondyles

D. Greater and lesser trochanters

In what position should the hand be for an AP elbow projection?

A. True lateral

B. Supinated (palm up)

C. Pronated (palm down)

D. Lateral with Medial obliquity

how many phalanges are found in each of the following individual digits: 2,3,4,and 5

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 13

How many bones make up the hand and wrist?

A. 28

B. 26

C. 27

D. 29


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