Medical Quiz

Microorganism - Diseases Quiz

Bacteria are prokaryotes which means they

A. have a nucleus on their capsule

B. do not contain a nucleus

C. can live in environments with and without oxygen

Select your answer:


Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2 Max) Physical fitness , Wellness and Lifestyle Upper Limb Healthy Living Vocabulary Digestion Population Genetics ESR (RBC sed rate) Asexual Reproduction Your Body Ecology Therapeutic Services Roots The Teeth Nursing Vocabulary Nutrients in Food IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion

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Vessels that carry blood to the lungs

A. coronary arteries

B. pulmonary veins

C. coronary veins

D. pulmonary arteries

Chemistry › View

An atom…….

A. Is the smallest particle of an element that retains all the properties of that element.

B. Is anything that has mass and takes up space.

C. Has a positive charge

D. Has a negative charge