Medical Quiz

Brain Quiz

Which of the following is the characteristics of somatic motor pathway?

A. The neurotransmitter used is norepinephrine

B. The neurotransmitter used is norepinephrine

C. The number of neurons per message is two

D. The effectors are skeletal muscle

Select your answer:


Bacteriology Somatotypes Macromolecules & Enzymes Phlebotomy Medical Terminology Diet Hematology Lab Values Urinary Human Physiology Health and Disease Medical Nursing Dermatosis History of Medicine Endocrine System and Nervous System Components of Physical Fitness The Brain

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Carbohydrates / Fat-soluble Vitamins › View

What is the function of vitamin D?

A. Forms and maintain healthy skin.

B. Help to maintain healthy nerves and muscles.

C. Act as antioxidant.

D. Help to absorb calcium in the body.

Immunisation › View

What is the function of antibodies within the immune system?

A. Antibodies kill off any antigen that enters the body.

B. Antibodies are only made when you are given a vaccination for specific antigens.

C. Antibodies bind to specific antigens to flag for destruction.

D. Antibodies are part of an external defense mechanism.