Medical Quiz

Hearing Impairment Quiz


Which of the following locations and receptors are correct for DYNAMIC EQUILIBRIUM?

A. Vestibule, Maculae,

B. Semicircular Canals, Maculae

C. Semicircular Canals/Crista Ampularis

D. Vestibule, Crista Ampullaris

Which of the following is NOT in the MIDDLE EAR?

A. Auricle

B. Eustachian tube

C. Malleus

D. Tympanic Membrane

If your inner ear lacked nerve fibers, what might happen?

A. Sound would be unable to travel to your brain.

B. Your eardrum would be unable to vibrate.

C. Your hammer could not tap against your anvil.

D. Sound waves could not enter your ear.

What is the importance of ear wax?

A. Collects dust and dirt

B. Help the sound travel

C. Collect dust, dirt and fight infection

D. Fight infection

Which of the following is a characteristic hearing impairment?

A. Dimentia

B. Mixed hearing

C. Difficulty following verbal directions

The damage in transmission of impulses through auditory nerve will lead to

A. Conductive Hearing loss

B. Mixed Hearing loss

C. Audio Processing Disorder

D. Sensorineural Hearing loss

The malleus, incus, and stapes are collectively called the

A. maculae

B. otoliths

C. semicircular canals

D. ossicles

What is in the Semi-Circular canals?

A. Cilia (Tiny Hairs)

B. Liquid

C. Thin Skin

What turns the sound waves into neural signals ?

A. Cochlea

B. The movement of the liquid

C. Movement of the cilia

D. The Nerve

Where is the tympanic membrane located?

A. The Outer ear

B. The Inner Ear

C. The Middle Ear

Symptoms of Speech impairment is

A. Being dumb

B. Being deaf

C. Stuttering

D. Speaking in Husky voice

Conductive Hearing loss

A. can not be treated

B. can be treated using surgery/Medication

C. can be treated only with hearing device

What comprehend the neural signals

A. Our Nerves

B. The cochlea

C. The ears

D. Our brain

What is the function of the ridges on your outer ear?

A. They prevent germs from entering your middle ear.

B. They direct sound into your middle ear.

C. They prevent loud noises from damaging your inner ear.

D. They filter out very high and low-frequency sounds.

What do the sound waves vibrate?

A. Ear canal, eardrum, ossicles

B. Ossicles, Eardrum

C. Eardrum

D. Eardrum, ossicles, Cochlea


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