Dental Caries Quiz
decay that develops rapidly and is wide-spread throughout the mouth
A. carious lesion
B. rampant caries
What two types of disease-producing bacteria primarily cause dental caries?
A. Mutan Streptococci, Lactobacilli
B. Bacillus
decay in any primary teeth
A. caries
B. early childhood caries EEC
A. decay in teeth
B. dryness of the mouth caused by reduction of saliva
information based upon documented evidence from critically reviewed research
A. evidence-based
B. caries risk test
what is not true about saliva
A. protect the teeth from dental caries
B. physical, chemical
C. cleansing mouth
D. makes food tastey
loss of minerals from the tooth
A. demineralization
B. remineralization
True or false; is the bone stronger than the enamel?
A. yes
B. no
caries management by risk assessment
tooth decay that is beginning to form or become apparent
A. incipient caries
B. rampant caries
formation of a cavity
A. incipient caries
B. cavitation
A. is the dissolution of the calcium and phosphate from hydroxyapatite crystals.
B. replacement of minerals in the tooth of calcium and phosphate in previously demineralized areas.
soft deposit on teeth that consists of bacteria and bacterial by-products
A. xylitol
B. plaque
A. thin film coating of salivary materials deposited on tooth surfaces
B. reduction of saliva
bacteria that produce lactic acid from carbohydrates
A. lactobacilli
B. mutans streptococci