Medical Quiz

Neurology Quiz


Neuro related careers include all of the following except

A. orthopedic surgeon

B. chiropractor

C. audiologist

D. optometrist

which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A. Frontal lobe – most anterior part of cerebrum

B. Temporal lobe – controls hearing and smell

C. Parietal lobe – controls vision

D. Occipital lobe – most posterior portion of cerebrum

Cranial Nerve 8, the vestibulocochlear nerve is responsible for impulses of equilibrium and hearing



The purpose of a pulse oximeter is to _____.

A. monitor the oxygen content of the blood.

B. add moisture to supplemental oxygen.

C. measure a person’s respiratory rate.

D. adjust the flow rate of oxygen.

Which meal option would be the most appropriate for a patient with myasthenia gravis?

A. Roasted potatoes and cubed steak

B. Hamburger with baked fries

C. Clam chowder with mashed potatoes

D. Fresh veggie tray with sliced cheese cubes

__is when a rapid change in membrane polarity causes a signal to propagate down the axon

A. Polarization

B. Depolarization

C. Repolarization

D. Refraction

When testing power of shoulder abduction, patient holds their arms in position but are unable to push against resistance

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

__ is the fact that neurons either fire or not, like flipping a light switch?

A. Polarization

B. All-or-none

C. Absolute Refractory Period

D. Relative Refractory Period

When communicating with a resident with Alzheimer’s, how should the NA approach the conversation?

A. Speak quickly so they don’t forget what you say.

B. Stand as close as possible to the resident.

C. Repeat statements a variety of different ways.

D. Speak slowly and clearly. Repeat same words, don’t rephrase.

Some types of operations carry no risks.



You’re examining a patient’s health history and find that the patient experienced a cholinergic crisis last year. As the nurse you know that the most common cause of a cholinergic crisis is?

A. Over usage of adrenergic blocker medications

B. Stress

C. Respiratory infections

D. Overmedication of an anticholinesterase medication

Hypotonia is an upper motor neuron sign



True or False: Meningitis is an infection to the linings surrounding the brain and spinal cord


B. Unsure


Spinal cord injuries make it difficult for ____________ to travel between the brain and rest of the body.

A. water

B. mail

C. messages

The facial nerve (CN VII) controls eye muscle movement and pupil dilation.



A patient with myasthenia gravis will be eating lunch at 1200. It is now 1000 and the patient is scheduled to take Pyridostigmine. At what time should you administer this medication so the patient will have the maximum benefit of this medication?

A. As soon as possible

B. 1 hour after the patient has eaten (at 1300)

C. 1 hour before the patient eats (at 1100)

D. at 1200 right before the patient eats

A person named Jackson was diagnosed with MS. What symptoms may he exhibit?

A. may exhibit muscle weakness, reduced sensation and poor balance

B. always progresses the same way

C. never becomes incontinent

D. eyesight is not affected

Which finding below represents a positive Romberg Sign in a patient with multiple sclerosis?

A. The patient report dark spots in the visual fields during the confrontation visual field test.

B. When the patient closes the eyes and stands with their feet together they start to lose their balance and sway back and forth.

C. The patient’s sign and symptoms increase when expose to hot temperatures.

D. The patient reports an electric shock feeling when the head and neck are moved downward.

Which spinal tracts are found in the circled area of the spinal cord?

A. Dorsal columns

B. Corticospinal tract

C. Spinothalamic tract

You are doing teaching with a patient who has a leg ulcer. You are teaching about tissue repair and wound healing. Which of the following statements by the patient indicates that teaching has been effective?

A. “I’ll limit my intake of protein.”

B. “I’ll make sure that the bandage is wrapped tightly.”

C. “My foot should feel cold.”

D. “I’ll eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.”

Which nerve root does the patella tendon reflex correspond to?

A. L2, L3

B. L3, L4

C. S1, S2

D. T9, T10

Is an anesthesiologist required to be present during a procedure?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Presence is optional

D. They are not allowed to be present during a procedure

The autonomic nervous system divides into parasympathetic and sympathetic branches



When caring for a client receiving supplemental oxygen through a nasal cannula, the nursing assistant will? Except

A. report an incorrect flow rate to the nurse immediately

B. remove the nasal cannula at mealtimes and during ADLs.

C. provide frequent oral care.

D. check the oxygen flow rate on the flow meter often.

E. check for skin irritation around his or her nostrils, cheeks, and ears.

In case of an emergency, how should you move a person with a suspected spinal injury?


B. Use the barrelling technique

C. Use the log-roll technique

D. Move them however you want, as long as the head is kept stable and in line with the spinal cord


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