Medical Quiz

Central Nervous System Quiz


What is the main function of the temporal lobe?

A. Speech, thinking, touch

B. Speech, taste, reading

C. Hearing, smell

D. sight

What is an example of your body maintaining homeostasis? 

A. Your internal body temperature is 98.6o.

B. The hair growing on your head. 

C. Your fingernails and toenails breaking when they get too long. 

What is “homeostasis”?

A. The body’s ability to react to a stimuli. 

B. The body’s ability to keep everything inside it in balance. 

What is an example of homeostasis?

A. Your feet pulling away when being tickled. 

B. Your stomach growling when your body needs nutrients. 

C. Your hair growing really long in the summer. 

A soccer ball comes flying toward you. You throw up your hands to be avoid being hit in the face. Which is the stimuli?

A. The ball coming towards you.

B. Throwing up your hands to stop the ball.

What is the term for the fiber tract that connects and allows communication between the right cerebral hemisphere and the left cerebral hemisphere?

A. basal nuclei

B. diencephalon

C. corpus callosum

D. cerebrellum

Which is the stimuli and which is the response?
Heat from the sun

A. Sweating is the stimuli, heat is the response

B. Heat is the stimuli, sweating is the response

What is the term for the raised ridges on the cerebral hemispheres?

A. gyri

B. sulci

C. fissure

D. commissure

Which part of the brain coordinates the actions of muscles and helps you maintain balance?

A. brain stem

B. cerebrum

C. cerebellum

The diencephalon is composed primarily of ____________.

A. the cerebellum, brain stem and cerebrum

B. the brain stem, hippocampus and amygdala

C. the thalamus, hypothalamus and pituitary gland

D. the midbrain, pons and cerebrum

Nerve responsible for sense of smell

A. optic

B. olfactory

C. hypoglossal

D. vagus

What is “stimuli”?

A. A major organ in the brain that is a part of the nervous system. 

B. What your body does to a change or a signal. 

C. A change or a signal your body receives. 

If you had one word to describe the function of the parietal lobe it would be:

A. Movement

B. Sensory

C. Balance

D. Emotions

Occipital Lobes are responsible for: 

A. balance

B. vision

C. hearing

D. movement

The frontal, parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes make up the_______

A. brain stem.

B. cerebrum.

C. cerebellum. 


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