Blood Pressure Quiz
Normal blood pressure for an adult is
A. 120/80 mm Hg or higher
B. Less than 120/80 mm Hg
C. 110–140 over 60–90 mm Hg
D. 70–80 beats/min
lowest pressure against the blood vessels of the body. Measures between contractions
A. diastolic pressure
B. systolic pressure
C. hypotension
D. hypertension
The carotid artery is located in the:
A. neck
B. wrist
C. arm
D. groin
A blood pressure cuff is also called a
A. Mercury meter
B. Stethoscope
C. Pythogometer
D. Sphygnomanometer
For a blood pressure reading, the number on top measures…
A. Diastolic Pressure
B. Systolic Pressure
C. Diastemic Pressure
D. Systemic Pressure
The radial artery is located in the:
A. neck
B. arm
C. wrist
D. groin
Define Blood viscosity
A. measure of the thickness of blood.
B. measure of the flow of blood.
C. measure of the leant of blood.
D. blood flow duration in a specific period of time
The phase in the cardiac cycle in which the heart relaxes between contractions is known as
A. Diastole
B. Systole
C. Pulse pressure
D. Baseline recording
What are the smaller arteries called?
A. arterioles
B. capillaries
C. venules
D. blood vessels
The greater the blood viscosity
A. the less the blood flow
B. the greater the blood flow
C. the same blood flow
Which of the following blood pressure readings would be indicative of hypertension:
A. 120/80
B. 110/60
C. 170/96
D. 140/90 in a 60-year-old woman
Define Resistance
A. Force exerted by the blood against the vessel wall
B. The difference between systolic and diastolic pressure
C. The averaged arterial pressure over the cardiac cycle
D. Quantity of blood that passes a given point in the circulation in a given period of time.
E. Tendency of the vascular system to oppose flow
Device used to take blood pressure:
A. defibrillator
B. stethoscope
C. sphygmomameter
D. thermometer
A. are innervated by parasympathetic nervous system
B. carry blood to the capillaries
C. about 5-8 micrometer
The systolic blood pressure represents the
A. Pressure in the arteries when the ventricles contract
B. Pressure in the arteries when the heart relaxes
C. Pressure in the arteries when the atria contract
D. Expansion and recoiling of the aorta