Medical Quiz

Major Internal Organs of the Body Quiz


The ____ bones of the skeletal system form the framework for the body while supporting the tissues and organs.

A. 206

B. 105

C. 300

D. 99

It contains gastric juices,has layers of muscles that help in breaking down or squeezing proteins and destroying microorganisms in the food you eat.

A. bones

B. muscles

C. stomach

D. liver

A muscular organ located in the middle of the chest with its apex tilted toward the left side.

A. brain

B. stomach

C. heart

D. liver

A pair of bean-shaped organs that filter wastes from the blood. They remove all the wastes in the blood that may cause harm to your body.

A. kidneys

B. brain

C. lungs

D. intestines

It absorbs nutrients through its mucus membrane lining that is then released into the blood stream.

A. large instestine

B. small intestine

A muscular bag-like organ attached to the esophagus. It serves as a reservoir for food.

A. kidneys

B. intestines

C. lungs

D. stomach

Support and movement of the body.

A. heart

B. stomach

C. bones and muscles

D. lungs

It allows voluntary and involuntary movements of the parts of the body. They help maintain posture and generate heat in the body.

A. bones

B. muscles

C. nerves

D. tissues

It is the longest bone in the body.

A. ribs and eye sockets

B. pelvis and ribs

C. leg bone and thigh bone

D. ball-and-socket

It is the control system of your body.

A. brain

B. heart

C. lungs

D. stomach

The point where two bones meet and connect is called ____________.

A. tissues

B. joint

C. organs

D. systems

This are the internal parts of the body that form the musculoskeletal system.

They work together to produce body movement and give support to the body.

A. bones and cells

B. muscles and tissues

C. bones and muscles

D. bones and brain

It is approximately 7 meters long and approximately 2.5 to 2.8 cm in diameter in an adult human for final digestion.

A. large intestine

B. small intestine

C. liver

D. kidneys

It is also called as “colon”. It stores the waste products of digestion before eliminating them in the form of feces or stool.

A. muscles

B. small intestine

C. kidneys

D. large intestine

It stores food nutrients,breaks down toxic substances in the blood, and produces bile that helps in the digestion of fat.

A. brain

B. liver

C. kidneys

D. lungs

Type of muscles that control internal organs like the stomach and intestines.

A. skeletal muscles

B. smooth muscles

C. cardiac muscles

Helps you think, reason and learn at school.

A. heart

B. brain

C. intestines

D. liver

It is the type of muscles that are attached to the bones to produce voluntary movement.

A. smooth muscles

B. skeletal muscles

C. cardiac muscles

Type of muscles that keep the heart beating.

A. skeletal muscles

B. smooth muscles

C. cardiac muscles

Major organs for breathing and respiration.

A. stomach

B. lungs

C. intestines

D. liver


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