Medical Quiz

Topics: Major Internal Organs of the Body Quiz

Support and movement of the body.

A. heart

B. stomach

C. bones and muscles

D. lungs

Select your answer:


EMS Systems Health Vital Signs Eye Physiology Basics of Cardiology Cell Theory and Cell Organelles Inflammation and Tissue Repair Anatomy - Cellular Respiration Gene Expression Fats and Coronary Heart Disease Bacteria & Viruses Bio Cells History of Healthcare Ear/Eye Medical Terms Oral Hygiene

Other quiz:

Physical › View

How do you move with the ball in basketball?

A. Bouncing ball

B. Dribbling ball with feet

C. You can’t move

D. Throwing the ball the air

Foodborne Illness › View

Who’s at risk for foodborne illnesses? 

A. Teenagers, older adults, middle aged adults 

B. Very young, older adults, and people with chronic illnesses

C. Young adults, women, very young children 

D. Older adults, children, and middle aged adults