Medical Quiz

Consciousness and Sleep Quiz

Which of the following is an affective symptom of sleep deprivation?

A. sleep inertia

B. microsleep

C. impaired decision making

D. amplified emotional responses

Select your answer:


Philosophy Heart Anatomy The Ankle and Lower Leg Factors that Affect Health and Wellness Respiration, Immune System, Blood Cells Disease Cards The Cell Cycle & Cancer Mutations Paeds Edema Renal System - Pharmacology Organelles Enzymes and Movement of Substances Parts of the Brain Thyroid and Intro to Endocrinology Measles and Hib

Other quiz:

Urinary System and Fluid Balance › View

The first structure in the kidney to collect newly formed urine is the:

A. Renal capsule

B. Minor calyx

C. Renal pelvis

D. Renal sinus

E. Renal cortex

Nervous System › View

Which cranial nerve plays a role in your sense of smell?

A. Olfactory (CN I)

B. Optic (CNII)

C. Trigeminal (CN V)

D. Hypoglossal (CN XII)

E. Vagus (CN X)