Medical Quiz

Transportation and Excretion Quiz


Xylem and Phloem are both __.

A. Transpiration

B. Absorption

C. Photosynthesis

D. Vascular tissue

Small openings called ______ are found on the underside of leaves and allow gases to enter or leave the plant cells.

A. Phloem

B. Chloroplasts

C. Xylem

D. Stomata

How do plants get their energy?

A. through a reaction called chlorophyll 

B. by a process called photosynthesis 

C. by absorbing mineral nutrients from soil 

D. by eating other organisms 

The organ that removes metabolic wastes including urea, excess water, and salts from the blood.

A. lung

B. liver

C. kidney

D. colon

arteries carried which blood

A. blood

B. oxygenated blood

C. deoxygenated blood

D. wbc

________ is the type of diffusion in which a solid absorbs water and gets swelled up.

A. Osmosis

B. Imbibition

C. Diffusion

D. Active transport

Can excess transpiration lead to stunted growth?



the tissue which carries minerals and water from roots to the other parts of the plant

A. ascent of sap

B. phloem

C. Dialysis

D. Xylem

other name of circulatory system

A. digestion system

B. blood system

C. nerve system

D. transport system

The source of energy plants use to make food

A. photosynthesis 

B. air 

C. sunlight 

D. soil 

A. blood

B. digestion system

C. nervous system

D. Circulatory system

What PART of the plant stops transpiration?

A. cuticle

B. stomata

C. chloroplast

D. root hairs

___ opens and closes the stomata.

A. Guard cells

B. Xylem

C. Roots

D. Phloem


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