★ Microbes Quiz
The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol in the absence of oxygen is called
A. Pasteurization
B. Vaccination
C. Fermentation
D. Decomposition
Select your answer:
Hemodynamic Disorder Integumentary and Musculoskeletal System CPR Cellular and Sexual Reproduction Disease History of Immunology Defence against Infectious Diseases Pathogens Metabolic Sauver Carbohydrates 3M Micropara Circulatory System and Nutrition Essential Nutrients Tissues of The Body Human Body SystemsOther quiz:
Bone › ViewComposed of thin layer of cancellous bone (diploe)
A. Long Bones
B. Flat Bones
C. Short Bones
D. Sesamoid Bones
E. Irregular Bones
Human Body › View
The lifespan of WBC is:-
A. 3-4 weeks
B. 10-12 weeks
C. 2-3 weeks
D. 13 days