Medical Quiz

Hematologic System Quiz


If a patient misses a dose of an anticoagulant medication, the patient might be at risk for which of the following symptoms?

A. Blood clots

B. Bleeding

C. Pain

D. Difficulty breathing

Which of the following proteins is responsible for blood coagulation, works in the clotting cascade, and stimulates platelet activation?

A. Coronin

B. Fibrinogen

C. Prothrombin

D. Thrombin

Swelling and pain in the leg are symptoms of which of the following conditions?

A. Erythropoiesis

B. Pulmonary embolism

C. Deep vein thrombosis

D. Granulocytosis

Which of the following processes prevents the clotting of blood?

A. Platelet deactivation

B. Anticoagulation

C. Coagulation

D. Platelet disaggregation

Which of the following substances is responsible for forming a platelet plug during coagulation?

A. Thrombin

B. Thrombocyte

C. Plasmin

D. Neutrophil

Which of the following medications should be used as an injectable outpatient therapy for blood clot prevention?

A. Enoxaparin (Lovenox)

B. Alteplase (Activase)

C. Warfarin (Coumadin)

D. Tirofiban (Aggrastat)

A patient receives eptifibatide (Integrilin) in the hospital and asks a pharmacy technician how the medication works. Which of the following responses should the technician make?

A. “It inactivates the enzyme responsible for degrading fibrin proteins.”

B. “It prevents platelets from binding and clumping together.”

C. “It increases the production of fibers to increase coagulation.”

Which of the following terms is used to describe a dislodged deep-vein thrombosis?

A. Hemophilia

B. Thrombocytopenia

C. Hypoxia

D. Embolism

Which of the following conditions is caused by the dislodging of a blood clot and can result in difficulty breathing?

A. Hemophilia

B. Pulmonary embolism

C. Angina

D. Peripheral artery disease

A patient asks a pharmacy technician how fondaparinux (Arixtra) functions. Which of the followingresponses should the technician make?

A. “The medication acts by inhibiting clotting factor Xa in the body, which inhibits blood coagulation.”

B. “The medication affects platelets from clumping together by blocking glycoprotein IIb receptors.”

C. “The medication breaks down clumps of thrombocytes by increasing production of natural ntiplatelets.”

D. “The medication prevents thrombus formation by inhibiting plasmin and fibrinogen.”


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