Medical Quiz

Brain Quiz

Controls hearing and smell

A. Frontal Lobe

B. Temporal Lobe

C. Occipital Lobe

D. Parietal Lobe

Select your answer:


Biomedical Hospital Departments Joints in our Body Biotechnology Trichology Hematology Medicine Clinics Illness and Symptoms Life Cycle - Bee Diabetes Pathophysiology The Human Eye Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Abnormal Psychology; Assessment and Diagnosis The Cell Cycle Anxiety Disorders

Other quiz:

Anatomy and Physiology › View

Which of the following is the outermost layer of skin?

A. epidermis

B. dermis

C. hypodermis

D. hyperdermis

Biology › View

the coils and loops of small intestine are connected together by a membranous structure called ……..

A. epiglottis

B. diaphragm

C. mesentery

D. mucus