Medical Quiz

Sports Medicine Quiz

What vital signs do exercise physiologists measure and monitor?

A. Blood sugar levels and cholesterol

B. Heart rate, blood pressure, heart rhythms, and oxygen levels

C. Body temperature and hydration levels

D. Muscle mass and bone density

Select your answer:


CVA Healthy Lifestyle Forensics: Blood Animal Genetics and Nutrition Forensic Odontology Molecular Basis of Inheritance Diagnostic Tools Types of Reproduction Organ Systems BMI, Body Composition and Body Types Biodiversity Conservation Stress Muscle Anatomy Cardiology Muscular System Movements

Other quiz:

Cardiology › View

a wave when measuring JVP signifies ?

A. atrial contraction or atrial systole

B. ventricular relaxation

C. atrial diastole

D. ventricular contraction

Integumentary System & Body Directions › View

What are all of the accessory organs of the integumentary system?

A. sebaceous and sweat glands

B. hair, skin, nails

C. hair, skin, nails, sebaceous glands, sweat glands

D. sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair, nails