Medical Quiz

Skeletal Pathology Quiz

surgical removal of cartilage

A. chondrectomy

B. laminectomy

C. bursectomy

D. synovectomy

Select your answer:


Macro and Micro Nutrients Urinary System and Fluid Balance Immune Cells Faction Sensory System Key Terms Bacteriology Lab Culture Media Skin and Derivatives Cardiovascular System Terminology Cell & Bond Teeths Food and Nutrition Year 7 Nutrition Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids Ortho Ward Simulation Deficiency Diseases Blood/Lymphatic/Immune

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Which of the following pathological conditions is an ear infection commonly seen in children?

A. anacusis

B. otitis media

C. otosclerosis

D. labyrinthitis

Shoulder › View

Which of the following muscles do “ceiling punches?”

A. Serratus anterior

B. Coracobrachialis

C. Levator scapulae

D. Latissimus dorsi