Medical Quiz

Nervous System Quiz

Which type of glial cell is responsible for myelinating neurons in the central nervous system?

A. Astrocytes

B. Oligodendrocytes

C. Microglia

D. Schwann cells

Select your answer:


Medical Vocabulary Surgical & Complementary Terms Fluid and Electrolytes Dyslexia Nucleic Acids Physical Activity Hospice Basics Body Hemodynamics Infectious Disease and Pathogens Energy, Hydrology, Microbiology DNA Structure and Function Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Types of Doctors Heterotrophic Nutrition

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The skin can not regenerate with _____ degree burns.

A. 3rd

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A compound produces O2 during its splitting in the photosynthesis process

a. H2S

b. CO2

c. H2O

d. NH3