Medical Quiz

Anatomy and Histology Quiz

What is the main function of the TRIAD tubular system in muscle contraction?

A. Interaction between actin and myosin filaments

B. Motor end plate

C. Nerve stimulus

D. Sarcolemma depolarized

Select your answer:


Measles and Hib AEMT EMS Systems The Musculoskeletal and Integumentary Systems Neurological Disorders Biochemistry Vocabulary Bacterial Cell Structure Male Reproductive System The Ankle and Lower Leg Carbohydrate Metabolism CVA Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up Macro and Micro Nutrients Blood types and Blood Components Life Processes Excretion Therapeutic Services Roots

Other quiz:

Muscle Tissue › View

What binds to the troponin?

A. H+

B. O2−

C. Ca2+

D. Cl−

Adaptive Immune System › View

An antibody is:

A. A tertiary structure with 4 proteins, including a constant and variable region

B. A quaternary structure with 2 proteins, including a constant and variable region

C. A quaternary structure with 4 proteins, including 2 heavy chains and 2 light chains

D. A tertiary structure with 4 proteins, including 2 heavy chains and 2 light chains