Medical Quiz

Skull Quiz


A. Palatine Bones

B. Ethmoid Bone

C. Sphenoid Bone

D. Lacrimal Bones

This bone is the:

A. Occipital Bone

B. Zygomatic Bone

C. Temporal Bone

D. Parietal Bone

The highlighted bone is the:

A. Parietal Bone

B. Occipital Bone

C. Humerus

D. Mandible

A. Nasal Bones

B. Maxillary Bones

C. Palatine Bones

D. Lacrimal Bones

(Hint: smallest facial bones)

A. Lacrimal Bones

B. Nasal Bones

C. Maxillary Bones

D. Zygomatic Bones

A. Zygomatic Bones

B. Temporal Bones

C. Frontal Bone

D. Maxillary Bones

This is the name for an air filled-cavity within one of the bones of the skull. These cavities contain tissue that produces mucus that will drain into the nose.

A. Sinus

B. Fissure

C. Notch

D. Foramen

A. Mandible

B. Maxillary Bone

C. Nasal Bones

D. Frontal Bone

The highlighted bone is the:

A. Frontal Bone

B. Parietal Bone

C. Maxillary Bone

D. Nasal Bone

The two types of bones in the skull are:

A. Cranial Bones and Facial Bones

B. Cranial Bones and Cephalic Bones

C. Facial Bones and Cephalic Bones

D. Skullish Bones and Cephalic Bones

This bone is the:

A. Temporal Bone

B. Zygomatic Bone

C. Parietal Bone

D. Mandible

Which bone is highlighted in this image? (Hint: Butterfly shape)

A. Sphenoid Bone

B. Ethmoid Bone

C. Zygomatic Bone

D. Temporal Bone

A. Maxillary Bones

B. Nasal Bones

C. Mandible

D. Zygomatic Bones

The soft, cartilage-based areas between bones that are present in the skulls of newborns are called:

A. Fontanels

B. Sutures

C. Fusions

D. Plates

A. Vomer

B. Ethmoid Bone

C. Sphenoid Bone

D. Occipital Bone

True or False: The skull is completely finished developing when we are born.




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