Medical Quiz

Fluid Therapy Quiz

An isotonic crystalloid solution will:

A. Raise intravascular volume without altering fluid shifts in or out of cells or changing plasma concentration

B. Encourage the movement of fluid into the intracellular space

C. help to draw water into the intravascular space​

D. Expand the plasma volume

Select your answer:


Deaf Blind Anatomy and Histology Measles and Hib Composition Of Human Blood Enzymes & Metabolism HL Axial & Appendicular Skeleton Nervous / Sensory System Deficiency Disease Immunisation Human Body Systems Disabilities Cell and Tissue Viruses Biomolecules Brain, Neurons and The Nervous System Dermatology Vocabulary

Other quiz:

Major Nutrients › View

It assist in building body tissues and help in the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

A. Minerals

B. Vitamins

C. Water

D. Carbohydrates

Types of Immunity › View

What type of immunity is obtained by individual P an individual Q?

A. P – Artificial active immunity Q- Artificial passive immunity

B. P-Natural active immunity Q- Artificial active immunity

C. P- Artificial passive immunity Q- Artificial active immunity

D. P-Natural passive immunity Q-Natural active immunity