Medical Quiz

Neuroanatomy Quiz

Identify the component that contributes to the barrier function of the blood brain barrier (BBB).

A. Astrocyte end feet

B. Oligodendrocytes that wrap around the blood vessel

C. Basement membrane composed of laminin and collagen fibers

D. Pericytes

Select your answer:


Body Fluids and Blood Cells Biochemistry Lab Skin Structure and Growth Human Eye and Colorful World The Teeth Intravenous Fluid Therapy Pathophysiology Anatomy - Muscle Contraction and Growth Principle of Health Science Viruses Atoms and Radioactivity Muscularskeletal System Respiratory System Med Term Macromolecules & Enzymes The Cardiovascular System OCR A-level

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The table below shows the data about diseases and vaccines availability. Which disease had the lowest number of cases after the vaccine?

A. tetanus

B. measles

C. diphtheria

D. rubella

Pathology › View

What are the different types of cell injury mechanisms?

A. Biological agents

B. Environmental factors

C. Psychological stress

D. Physical agents, radiation, chemical agents, infectious agents, immunologic reactions, genetic derangements, nutritional imbalances, aging