Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Calculations Quiz

If the adult dose of a medication is 100 mg and the child is 5 years old, what would be the pediatric dose using Young’s rule?

A. 29.41 mg

B. 75 mg

C. 50 mg

D. 120 mg

Select your answer:


Alzheimer Disease Central and Peripheral Nervous System Respiratory, Cardiovascular & Oncology Macro and Micro Nutrients Respiratory Diseases Histology Differentiation and Division of Human Cells Respiratory System Med Term IV Therapy and Blood Transfusion Tenses Medical, Legal, and Ethical Issues Human Excretory System Reproductive System Vocabulary Sterile Medication Products Sarcomere Anatomy

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Nail › View

The slightly thickened layer of skin under the nail that lies between the fingertip and free edge of the natural nail plate is the __________.

A. eponychium

B. perionychium

C. hyponychium

D. bed epithelium

ology & phobia › View

What does the suffix -phobia mean?

A. study of

B. life

C. hundred

D. fear