Medical Quiz

Latin & Greek in Medicine Quiz

What does the prefix ‘ortho’ mean?

A. Straight, correct

B. Under

C. Inside

D. Around

Select your answer:


Prokaryotic Cells and Viruses Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi Biology for Engineers Brain/Neuron Anatomy Medicine on the Western Front EMR Pathophysiology Respiration Anatomy and Physiology The Energy Nutrients Disability Etiquette & Physical Activities Eye in Color Vision Microbiology The Skeletal System Somatotypes Orthopedics Sensory System Key Terms

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Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for obesity?

A. Pregnancy

B. Poor Eating Habits

C. 8 Hours of Restful Sleep a Night

D. Parental Obesity

Food › View

What food group is the above food in?
A.     Dairy
B.     Grain
C.     Vegetable
D.     Fruit