Medical Quiz

Organisms Quiz

What are the two main groups of vertebrates?

A. Mammals, birds, and fish

B. Dinosaurs, reptiles, and amphibians

C. Reptiles, amphibians, and insects

D. Plants, fungi, and bacteria

Select your answer:


Anatomical Terminology Mouth - Stomach Enzymes and Metabolic Pathways Microbio (Viruses) Skin Growth Food and Health & Bones and Muscles Child Development DNA Structure and Function Anatomy Bones Human Health Transplantation Immunology Physical Brain/Neuron Anatomy Chemistry Disease

Other quiz:

Absorption, Lymphatic System, and Blood Vessels › View

These carry blood to the heart:

A. arteries

B. veins

C. capillaries

D. arterioles

Herd Immunity › View

Should you try to expose yourself to get Covid-19 to participate in Herd Immunity?

A. Yes! That will help with the vaccine.

B. No, wait until there is a vaccine.

C. It doesn’t really matter – either way you’ll get the virus.

D. Herd Immunity doesn’t really exits.