Medical Quiz

Pharmacology Quiz

Because pain can be experienced or perceived only by the individual, it is ________________.

A. Endorphins

B. Subjective

C. Tolerance

D. Endogenous

Select your answer:


Central and Peripheral Nervous System Biochemistry: Carbohydrates and Lipids Medicinal use of Microorganisims Burns and Skin Cancer A Treat For Mosquitoes Oxygenation Tongue and Skin Nursing Vocabulary Excretory System Reproduction in Human Beings Physiology Pathology Central Nervous System Aseptic Technique & Sterile Comp Review Bacteria and Protist Review Bone Marrow Histology

Other quiz:

Vision and Hearing Defects › View

How does aging affect the mechanism of hearing?

A. It leads to a thickening of the eardrum, reducing its ability to vibrate.

B. It increases the elasticity of the auditory canal, enhancing sound transmission.

C. It decreases the production of earwax, leading to dry ear canals.

D. It enhances the function of the Eustachian tube.

Understanding Psychology Nervous System › View

Messages move to and from the brain along thin cells called

A. neurotransmitters

B. synapses

C. neurons

D. axons