Medical Quiz

Bone Shapes & Long Bone Anatomy Quiz

What is the function of red bone marrow?

A. Produce red blood cells

B. Store energy

C. Resist compression

D. Provide strength

Select your answer:


Health Effect of Exercise on Cardio Respiratory System & Muscular Heart Structure and Double Circulation Stroke The Ankle and Lower Leg Bacterial Resistance and Biotechnology Stimuli and Responses in Humans CPR Eye or Nose Injuries Anatomy and Physiology Skeletal System Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses Thyroid Gland Cellular Components Common Respiratoty Diseases Deficiency Diseases

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Selective Breeding › View

Problems with selective breeding include

A. Better animals

B. More Meat

C. Animals can have bad health problems

D. More diversity

Circulation of Blood › View

what is the purpose of circulation

A. supply O2 and nutrients and remove waste

B. break down the food

C. get oxygen into the lungs

D. remove solid waste