Medical Quiz

Pulmonology Quiz

The lamina propria of the respiratory mucosa consists of which of the following connective tissues?

A. reticular

B. adipose

C. dense fibrous

D. areolar

E. elastic

Select your answer:


Health and Hygiene Bacterial Growth and Culturing Conditions Diseases of Digestive System Pediatric Cardiology DNA Replication Hygiene and Nutrition Nutrition and Biochemistry Vocabulary Functional Neuroanatomy of the CNS Surgical Nutrition Eyes and Hearing Health & Wellness Vocabulary Human Physiology Life Processes Excretion Muscles and Movements Respiratory

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What organ in our GI Tract moistens the food with fat in it?

A. mouth

B. stomach

C. Small Intestine

D. Large Intestine

Blood › View

Which if the following is carried by the blood to all parts of the body?

A. Oxygen

B. Carbon dioxide

C. Blood

D. Carbohydrates