Medical Quiz

Nutrition Quiz

The biggest sources of Vitamins & Minerals would be

A. Fruits & Vegetables

B. Red Meat, Seafood, Nuts, Eggs, Beans

C. Bread, Cereals, Pastas, Rice, Grains

D. Butter, Oils, Fried Food, Bacon

Select your answer:


Physical Restrictive Respiratory Disorders Renal Pharmacology Osteoporosis BMS Cell Cycle and Cancer Immune Response Enzymes and ATP Structure Principle of Health Science Lifetime Wellness Pathophysiology_Endocrine Pancreatitis DNA and Polypeptide Synthesis Cell Injury Brain/Neuron Anatomy Bacteria, Viruses, and Fungi

Other quiz:

Urinalysis/ Immunology Make up › View

Immunity provided by T lymphocytes;

A. Humoral

B. Cell mediated

C. innate

D. auto immune

Muscle Origin, Insertion, and Function › View

Where do the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and sartorius muscles originate?

A. spinal column

B. femur

C. pelvis

D. ribs