Medical Quiz

Dental Caries Quiz

The colorless, soft sticky coating is also known as

A. Plaque

B. plague

Select your answer:


Blood and Hematology Asexual Reproduction Health and Medicine Cell Theory & Melanoma A&P Musculoskeletal Pathophysiology Common Respiratoty Diseases Parts of the Brain Urinary System and Fluid Balance Major Organs Facial & Dental Injuries Homeostasis, Nutrition, Digestion & Absorption Safety and First Aid Human Digestive System Pathogens - Bacteria and Viruses

Other quiz:

DNA, RNA, Proteins › View

What happens when genes are turned on?

A. The DNA is replicated

B. The DNA makes proteins

C. The DNA has mutations

D. The DNA is transcribed into RNA but not translated into proteins

Respiratory System › View

Which is not a condition of the respiratory system?

A. asthma

B. malaria

C. bronchitis

D. pneumonia